Archive | Nature

Tuesday in the Garden

Today while we were busy with our school work, I looked out of the window and saw the most beautiful Citrus Butterfly flying around, she eventually landed on our Litchi tree and stayed there for quite a while. I ran to get my camera, I really need to keep it with me at  ALL times for those spur of the moment photos. By the time I got back with the camera she was still there. She had laid an egg on the leaf. Such a beautiful creature… I think, now we will definately need to plan a few lessons from The Handbook of Nature Study by Anna Bostford Comstock.

Another photo I had to take was of the feathered girls having a sandbath, there are six in the above photo, this is their favourite spot alongside the driveway…


Nature Drawing and Garden Photos…

Hello everyone,
I would like to just say a huge ‘Thank You’ to all who follow this blog:) I was very excited to see that there are 180 Followers who visit here… This is very heart warming for me and wonderful 🙂
Today is a glorious sunny day in South Africa and we have spent quite a lot of time outside in the garden. There are so many flowers blooming here, I do feel the coolness of Autumn approaching in the evenings but we are still enjoying Summer’s warmth during the day for now…
Baseball update; Jenna and Erin’s baseball team, the Benoni Indians won the League, they had 11 matches undefeated!   mama is smiling:)
Yellow roses, my favourite…
I can’t wait for these Granadillas’ to ripen, they have always been so sweet in previous seasons…
This is a pumpkin vine that started growing all by itself… I was a little sad that we didn’t plant pumpkins this year, but to our surprise, a single vine has emerged from the compost heap all by its own doing and already has quite a few pumpkins growing on it… Hooray!
These Morning Glory flowers are growing all over our herb garden, their show of colour is remarkable…
This beautiful tree hangs right over our wall from our neighbours garden, it is so spectacular when in bloom and when it is finished flowering, it drops the lovest little conkers that are perfect for nature crafts…
Today, Erin and I spent some mama, daughter time together. We went down to the vegetable garden and sketched the Aubergines… Of course Charlie was there and soon after, so was Gus…

Have a wonderful Sunday everyone and thank you for visiting,


Nature Tables and Seasonal Activities

This is our nature table for the beginning of Autumn, I am sure it will change quite a few times over this season with little treasures being added here and there from our morning nature walks…
These are a few of the books I love to refer to throughout the year while following the seasons and festivals… They are really beautiful and worth adding to you personal library at home. They are filled with recipes, activities, festivals and much more…
Festivals Family and Food by Diana Carey and Judy Large
All Year Round by Ann Druitt
The Children’s Year by Stephanie Cooper
I also treasure these lovely titles, they are filled with the most amazing inspiration, The Big Summer Activity Book really is wonderful! And so are all the rest:)
The Big Summer Activity Book by Anne and Peter Thomas
Earthwise by Carol Petrash
Nature’s Playground by Fiona Danks
Crafts Through the Year by Thomas and Petra Berger
Caiden has just started with a weather block, so each day he records the type of weather we are experiencing. Since we are heading into Autumn and our trees are all showing signs of transformation, we though a lovely art activity would be to do some leaf rubbings.
First we collected different leaf shapes that had already fallen to the ground.
Then we took some white paper and place the leaves under it one at a time. Took a flat crayon and rubbed over the area where the leaf was placed and a beautiful impression emerges on your paper… It is fun activity for Spring or Autumn…

Here is the finished leaf collage:)

Happy Tuesday everyone:)


Butterfly Migration…

Yesterday was a wonderfil day, we were outside in the warm afternoon sunshine, when suddenly there were hundreds of White Butterflies surrounding us. We realised that this was a migration of White Butterflies (Pieridae). We witnessed this beautiful act of nature unfolding before our eyes and then went to look in our reference books to glean some information about them. We discovered that they migrate on mass, NE across South Africa in the summer, the males are faster as the females stop every now and then to lay eggs. Some of them were still on our friut trees this morning when we were on our way to feed our chickens and rabbits. They then took flight to follow the faster male companions to their destination.

It was amazing to be immersed in this complete occurrence of nature… We all just stood there, amazed and absorbed in this moment….

Meg over at Sew Liberated has done a feature on my Mamma4earth shop…

Have a lovely week 🙂

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