Archive | Recipes

Creative Friday

Spiral-Cut Butternut spaghetti

I’ve had this spiral-cutter for quite some time and I’ve read about how people substitute marrows and butternut for spaghetti but I have never tried it. Well, yesterday Jen said she didn’t want wheat spaghetti so I suggested butternut. I was a little sceptical and really had no idea how this was going to turn out but I must say, it was delicious. We ended up eating a little later than usual because Richard also wanted to try some, so Jen and I baked another batch.

It’s so easy! Peel the butternut, spiral cut it and then spread it out on a baking tray. Drizzle some olive oil over it and some herb salt and bake until it’s cooked. It really is lovely with Bolognese mince or even on its own!

Have a great weekend!

Welcome to Creative Friday,

Please feel free to post your links to anything you have created and would like to share, it can be a recipe, sewing tutorial, knitting tutorial, felting, crochet, crafts, art, spinning, weaving, working with fibre, photography, poetry…etc…

I have added a Creative Friday button on the sidebar of my blog, please feel free to add it to your blog for Creative Friday and link it to so others can find this space and share their creativity too:)

1. I have started a Creative Friday Flickr Group where you can post your beautiful photos that you link to each Creative Friday. To join the group, please go here.

2. If you would be so kind as to link back to Natural Suburbia in your blog post that would be lovely or pin, share on Facebook and Twitter.


Our Week and Chicken Soup

We have had a busy week, Jenna and Erin auditioned for the town play, Robin Hood and we started homeschooling again but alas gastric flu hit us hard and we were all affected by it. Richard and Kye were the worst. Richard actually took two days of sick leave which is unheard of for him, so I knew he was feeling awful. Kye came down with croup yesterday morning and we had to nebulise him to help him breathe. He is looking a lot better and Richard has almost made a full recovery. I am so grateful for our homoeopathic remedies, they have worked wonders for us, healing gently in such a non-invasive way, helping our bodies to heal themselves.

This week my blog also moved to WordPress, thank you for all your words of welcome, I am truly happy to be here and I am enjoying getting to know how everything works AND I have learned so much from Jeni, the amazing blog migration specialist who moved my blog from Blogger to WordPress. She is wonderful at what she does and I will be sharing more about her soon. I am happy to say that Natural Suburbia is still updating in blog lists but if you do notice that it isn’t, the new address for my blog is now,

I have a chicken soup recipe that I would like to share with you, it went down really well during the week with everyone feeling so under the weather.

Chicken Soup:

4 free range organic chicken breasts cut into strips and fried with olive oil

Olive oil

1 Large carrot, 1 celery stalk with leaves, 1 leek, 1 red onion, 1 sweet potato, a few florets of broccoli, 1 turnip, 1 small red cabbage shredded, 1 red pepper

300 ml of vegetable stock


Salt and pepper

  • Saute the onions in a little olive oil in a pot, add the garlic and let this cook for a few minutes until the onions are soft, add a little water if you need to.
  • Cut up all the veggies into cubes, you can add the broccoli whole, slice the leeks and stir for a few minutes.
  • While this is cooking, fry the chicken strips in some olive oil in a separate pan.
  • Add the veggie stock and stir, add some Himalayan rock salt and pepper to taste.
  • Once the chicken is cooked, add it to the soup pot, turn down the heat and let it simmer for about 15 minutes with the lid half covering the pot.
  • Blend a little with a hand blender.
  • Add more water if necessary, depending on your preference.


Wishing you all a wonderful weekend. Our girls have gone to rowing practice with the Sea Scouts today and tomorrow they are racing, in amongst all of this there are rehearsals for Robin Hood this afternoon and my Mom-in Law is coming for dinner tonight. She is lovely, such a special woman, I am looking forward to seeing her.

What are your plans for the weekend?



Asparagus Soup Recipe

Lately I have been trying to cut down on the amount of meat we eat each week. I have started making soups with items we have in our fridge and grocery cupboard. I am also trying not to run out to the shop for ingredients constantly. I’m slowly making changes around our home that will save us money, increase our health and reduce our carbon footprint. I have started stock piling items and cooking from scratch, our winter veg garden has been planted and I am going to try and have a constant supply of certain veggies that are grown here at home by succession planting. Shew… it sounds like a lot of changes but I am starting slowly so that I don’t overwhelm myself.

This is a soup I made last week, I had some asparagus in the fridge that I meant to cook with one of our dinners. I definitely couldn’t let it go to waste! We LOVE asparagus here and I thought it would make a tasty soup for lunch with fresh honey bread.

This is what I used, all my ingredients were either in the fridge or grocery cupboard, it also felt good to not need to shop for anything to prepare this meal.

500 grams of fresh asparagus
2 garlic cloves
1 red onion
salt and pepper to taste
Cannellini beans (1 tin)
5 Baby potatoes
1 litre of water
500 ml of Chicken Stock
Olive oil

1. Chop up the red onion and fry it in a little olive oil with the chopped up garlic
2. Chop up the asparagus and add it to the pot.
3. Cook for about 3 minutes.
4. Dice the baby potatoes and add.
5. Add 1 litre of water.
6. Mix up the chicken stock and add to the pot.
7. Let your soup cook until the potatoes and asparagus are soft.
8. Add a tin or half a tin of Cannellini beans (these make soup lovely and thick)
9. Let the soup cook for another 10 minutes.
10 Add salt and pepper to taste.
11. If too thick, add a little water.
12. Add salt and pepper to taste.
13. Use a stick blender and puree the veggies until smooth.
14. Pour on a little cream.
15. Enjoy with some fresh homemade bread.

Do share the changes you are making in your home:)

Joining in today with Natalie’s Kitchen Crafts.


Easy Spaghetti Bolognese Recipe

Thanks so much for your lovely comments about the Valentine bookmark pattern, you are all so kind. Today has been a busy day, we are back into the full swing of homeschooling and tonight I am making something easy and simple for supper, spaghetti bolognese. This is such a quick and tasty recipe, it takes about 30 minutes to make the mince and then boil the spaghetti and you are finished.

I have also been working on my blog a little, I have discovered tabs! I have started adding them to the top of my blog, I have only added one so far called Recipes. These are such clever little things because now I can add all my recipes in one place, just click on the Recipe tab above to view them. I will add others soon for tutorials and patterns too:)

Now for the recipe…

450 grams of lean mince
2 tablespoons of Olive oil
1 Large brown onion cubed
250mls of Vegetable or beef stock
Black pepper
Herb salt
2 tsp of Garlic
1 can of tomato and onion relish
Organic Spaghetti
Cheddar cheese
Parmesan cheese

Add about 2 tablespoons of olive oil to the pan, 2 teaspoons of fresh chopped garlic and the diced onion.
Stir until the onions are a golden brown colour.
Add the lean mince and cook, stirring continuously, until brown and all the raw areas have disappeared.
Pour in approx 250 ml of veggie or beef stock and stir.
Add the tin of tomato and onion relish.

There should be quite a lot of liquid in the pan now, turn down the heat and simmer for about 10 minutes.

That is all:)

Boil your organic spaghetti until al dente and then serve.
Sprinkle a little cheddar and Parmesan cheese over your dish and add salt and pepper to taste.

Enjoy and have a lovely day!

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