Early morning birthday photos…
I still remember Erin’s birth-day, it was a Thursday morning. I went into labour and Richard and I made our way to my midwife’s home around the corner. We spent most of the morning just relaxing and walking, by midday the contractions kicked in fully. By 2:15 we had a new baby girl in our arms, what an amazing day that was, so beautiful. How could it be 14 years later already? She is so grown up now but still loves the birthday traditions we have always followed since she was little. We say a birthday verse the night before a birthday and prepare a special birthday table… This morning Richard made a wonderful breakfast and then Erin and I baked her birthday cake together.
These are such special moments to treasure. I know these moments are fleeting as time goes by so fast and therefore, I am making a concerted effort, to try and be present in each of these moments, so that I don’t miss anything and will be able to look back with joy and happiness on our life once our children are all grown…
Happy Birthday beautiful girl we love you!