Archive | Shalom Cardigan


These are my two knitting projects at the moment, my Shalom cardi and Jenna’s birthday cardigan. I love the tradition we have started regarding knitting a garment for a birthday in our family, it feels so special… Here is Erin’s cardigan I knitted in April this year. I am so enjoying knitting my Shalom, I have cast off for the arms and I am knitting down the length of the body. I think this will go fairly quickly, I worked out all the decreasing with my new stitch modifications for the armholes and it all worked out just fine. I also tried it on today and it fits perfectly!! I am so excited to wear it.
There is still time to join in the Shalom KAL if you are keen, people are joining up all the time:) Yay!

Jenna’s birthday cardigan is coming along nicely, I started knitting it on Friday and I am almost up to the sleeves:) I have until next Thursday to finish, I really love this organic handspun merino. I have ordered more so I can knit a cardi for Richard and Kye has also asked me to knit him one too:)

I think once I have finished these two cardigans, I am going to give the Hourglass Sweater a try from Last Minute Knitted Gifts, I am thinking a lovely burnt orange colour would knit up well:) Maby this could also be a KAL?

What are you busy knitting at the moment? Thanks so much for visiting my space:)


Knitting and Spinning

I have been busy with orders this week, so I haven’t made too much progress on my Shalom, but I am so excited that more people are joining the Shalom KAL:) There is still time for you to join in, if you would like to, just visit here. I have decided to add 4 pattern repeats on the yoke of my cardigan and this will give me a nice amount of stitches and a comfy fit. I am working from Frockfarie’s wonderful pattern notes for my Cardi, you must go and have a look at her beautiful Shalom. I have a Shalom thread on my Mamma4earth Ravelry Group for everyone to discuss their progress:)

I have also been spinning up this custom yarn for Linda. It is a Merino Silk skein, I really love the colourway, it was dyed by Feltstudiouk.

Oooh, and did I mention, I am working on a new toy pattern for an Alpaca:)


WIP Wednesday

I am having so much fun knitting this cardigan! I almost forgot to start cooking supper, does this ever happen to you? I did however manage to put my knitting back in my basket for a short while and start making a chicken curry with coconut milk and wild rice… anyway back to the cardigan… I have finished the yoke and have cast off the stitches for the armholes. I just added the extra stitches that I cast on to the front sides and back of the cardigan and still cast off the same armhole stitches as the original pattern states. I am going to knit straight down without shaping so it is really easy knitting from now onwards, until I pick up stitches around the armhole for the sleeves.

We have a huge leaf pile underneath our treehouse, the children swing on their rope swing and land in the pile, so much fun, so I thought this would be the perfect spot for the progress photo, except sweet Charlie was pouncing on my ball of wool every chance he got!

I have started a thread on my Mamma4earth Ravelry group for anyone who is knitting the Shalom KAL you are most welcome to post progress potos and chat about your pattern notes:)

If you would like to join the Shalom KAL, just go here for more information.

P.S. also just wanted to let Wendy (Glenaeon Class 3, 2010) know that you have won a pattern from a previous giveaway and I don’t have your email address to email it to you, if you could send it to me that would be lovely:)

Thanks so much for visiting:) what are your WIPs at the moment?



Today is my 38th birthday…
I have finally finished my Shalom Cardigan, blocked it and sewn on the buttons…
I am enjoying the most wonderful day, I woke up to a lovely breakfast made by Richard and my little ones, family have visited, friends have stopped by for tea, the day has flown… I am so blessed today and everyday…

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