I am having so much fun knitting this cardigan! I almost forgot to start cooking supper, does this ever happen to you? I did however manage to put my knitting back in my basket for a short while and start making a chicken curry with coconut milk and wild rice… anyway back to the cardigan… I have finished the yoke and have cast off the stitches for the armholes. I just added the extra stitches that I cast on to the front sides and back of the cardigan and still cast off the same armhole stitches as the original pattern states. I am going to knit straight down without shaping so it is really easy knitting from now onwards, until I pick up stitches around the armhole for the sleeves.
We have a huge leaf pile underneath our treehouse, the children swing on their rope swing and land in the pile, so much fun, so I thought this would be the perfect spot for the progress photo, except sweet Charlie was pouncing on my ball of wool every chance he got!
I have started a thread on my Mamma4earth Ravelry group for anyone who is knitting the Shalom KAL you are most welcome to post progress potos and chat about your pattern notes:)
If you would like to join the Shalom KAL, just go here for more information.
P.S. also just wanted to let Wendy (Glenaeon Class 3, 2010) know that you have won a pattern from a previous giveaway and I don’t have your email address to email it to you, if you could send it to me that would be lovely:)
Thanks so much for visiting:) what are your WIPs at the moment?