Knitting and Spinning

I have been busy with orders this week, so I haven’t made too much progress on my Shalom, but I am so excited that more people are joining the Shalom KAL:) There is still time for you to join in, if you would like to, just visit here. I have decided to add 4 pattern repeats on the yoke of my cardigan and this will give me a nice amount of stitches and a comfy fit. I am working from Frockfarie’s wonderful pattern notes for my Cardi, you must go and have a look at her beautiful Shalom. I have a Shalom thread on my Mamma4earth Ravelry Group for everyone to discuss their progress:)

I have also been spinning up this custom yarn for Linda. It is a Merino Silk skein, I really love the colourway, it was dyed by Feltstudiouk.

Oooh, and did I mention, I am working on a new toy pattern for an Alpaca:)

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11 Responses to Knitting and Spinning

  1. Rachel May 18, 2011 at 7:17 pm #

    That yarn is gorgeous!

    I love alpaca’s!! I want some. Too bad they are so darned expensive!! I’ll settle with buying a pattern from you and knitting myself up one. 😀

  2. Simply Beautiful Sundays May 18, 2011 at 9:28 pm #

    Your yarn is sooo pretty! I love it!
    I wanted to ask you about the KAL, I ripped out my Shalom, because of mistakes in the ribbing, and as I am reknitting, I am wondering if I will be disqualified if I knit it up in garter stitch? Is that okay?

  3. Linda May 19, 2011 at 7:59 am #

    Hi Simply Beautiful Sundays, of course you won’t be disqualified, I can’t wait to see your Shalom. Thank you for taking this creative journey with all of us. xo Linda

  4. Valery May 19, 2011 at 5:53 pm #

    Is that your Alpaca yarn, it’s beautiful, if not may I ask where you got it from? I want some 🙂
    Love your blog!!

  5. Linda May 19, 2011 at 6:18 pm #

    Hi Val,
    Thanks so much about my blog:) The yarns are both merino, the natural one I am knitting the cardigan in is merino and that I sell. The rainbow yarn is also merino with some silk, it is my handspun, if you would like me to spin some up for you in a similar colourway, just let me know.
    Take care

  6. W-S Wanderings May 20, 2011 at 3:42 am #

    An alpaca! I am yearning for an alpaca, and have even put the word out in hopes that we will someday have an alpaca farm friend. But, for now, I’ll happily settle for a knit alpaca!

    Gorgeous yarn, as usual.

  7. Dutch Hollow May 20, 2011 at 3:14 pm #

    You had me at alpaca!

    Love the creamcicle colors of the yarn. Looks great

  8. Melissa May 20, 2011 at 6:33 pm #

    I’ll be looking forward to seeing your alpaca pattern.

    I am lucky enough to have 22 of the beautiful darlings. I love the color way your currently spinning but also love the natural colors that will never go out of fashion.

    Happy Fiber Arts Friday!

  9. Mollyandollie May 20, 2011 at 8:10 pm #

    I think I would like to eat that yarn! It looks like Starburst…oh no, I’ve triggered a craving! That cardigan looks decadent…

  10. Spinster Beth May 20, 2011 at 11:38 pm #

    Delicious pastel yarn! I love it!

  11. WonderWhyGal May 21, 2011 at 1:17 pm #

    I lost everything you wrote when you typed Alpaca 😉

    I can’t wait to see that pattern. A friend gave me one she bought years ago but I’m not feeling it. Your patterns are always lovely so this I look forward too.

    The Shalome KAL looks like fun. A cardigan is a bit too ambitious for me but I always enjoy reading about people who knit garments.

    As always, I love your posts (even if I don’t comment) and look forward to reading them. Have a wonderful weekend.


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