Thanks so much for your lovely comments about the Valentine bookmark pattern, you are all so kind. Today has been a busy day, we are back into the full swing of homeschooling and tonight I am making something easy and simple for supper, spaghetti bolognese. This is such a quick and tasty recipe, it takes about 30 minutes to make the mince and then boil the spaghetti and you are finished.
I have also been working on my blog a little, I have discovered tabs! I have started adding them to the top of my blog, I have only added one so far called Recipes. These are such clever little things because now I can add all my recipes in one place, just click on the Recipe tab above to view them. I will add others soon for tutorials and patterns too:)
Now for the recipe…
450 grams of lean mince
2 tablespoons of Olive oil
1 Large brown onion cubed
250mls of Vegetable or beef stock
Black pepper
Herb salt
2 tsp of Garlic
1 can of tomato and onion relish
Organic Spaghetti
Cheddar cheese
Parmesan cheese
Add about 2 tablespoons of olive oil to the pan, 2 teaspoons of fresh chopped garlic and the diced onion.
Stir until the onions are a golden brown colour.
Add the lean mince and cook, stirring continuously, until brown and all the raw areas have disappeared.
Pour in approx 250 ml of veggie or beef stock and stir.
Add the tin of tomato and onion relish.
There should be quite a lot of liquid in the pan now, turn down the heat and simmer for about 10 minutes.
That is all:)
Boil your organic spaghetti until al dente and then serve.
Sprinkle a little cheddar and Parmesan cheese over your dish and add salt and pepper to taste.
Enjoy and have a lovely day!

I’ll have to pass this recipe on to my husband. he’s a huge spaghetti fan. Great idea on the tabs. I’ll have to see if I can figure out how to do that!
Thanks for sharing the recipe. You have a beautiful blog. We made a vegetarian bolognese the other day, which I thought to try, as we like to have a few meatless nights here and there. Instead of ground meat, you just put cooked lentils, and all the rest was the same as you describe basically. It was pretty good. It is so true. Homeschooling mamas are home, possibly, but oh how busy we are. A nice quick dish is certainly needed!
The tabs are really easy to add, just go to posting in your Blogger and click on add pages and there you go:)
Mama Goose,
The lentils sound wonderful! I must try that. Thanks so much:)
That looks incredibly yummy!! Perfect for a day that is grey and has flurries.
Mmmmm, looks really good, thanks will be trying this one!
Linda: Could you check the Lemon Cordial recipe link? I got the spaghetti link…and I’m craving lemons!
Linda: Could you check the Lemon Cordial recipe link? I got the spaghetti link…and I’m craving lemons!
Linda: Could you check the Lemon Cordial recipe link? I got the spaghetti link…and I’m craving lemons!
Thanks fixed the link:)
“mince” — is that your name for chopped beef?
It sure looks delicious and I can almost smell it all the way from your home to mine in southern California. Ahhhhh.