Our chickens are growing up fast and will soon start laying eggs, most of the older ones are moulting so we are experiencing a bit of a dry season as far as eggs are going. I’ve had to buy free range eggs from the shop but they aren’t anything like the eggs our girls lay. Two of the younger ones have had slight colds but they are improving each day. Winter is approaching fast here, the mornings and evenings are COLD, its’ so strange how chickens start moulting just as the temperature starts dropping. At least they’ll have their feathers by the time winter’s in full swing.
We also gave them a huge new pile of straw today, they love it, scratching around finding all sorts of bugs. We just put the bale in the middle of their pen, they climb on top of it and scratch and spread it out all over the place. I really do believe they rather enjoy doing that.
Hope you’re having a wonderful Saturday, I’m busy transferring all of Jenna’s scout badges from her old shirt to her new one, (there are a LOT of badges:)
See you soon…

Lovely health looking flock you have there.