Our Days…

Thank you all so much for your lovely comments regarding the knitted dandelion:) The last few days have been fun and busy… Caiden is finishing off his Native American block so we are busy with crafts at the moment and possibly for the rest of the week. Today we made stick bread.  The bread was tasty and so filling too! He also made an Ojos de Dios that he enjoyed so much, it was almost like a meditation for him and he is busy making more… We will plant a Three Sisters Garden too. Any other suggestions would be appreciated for crafts:)

The view from our front door… Our Spring garden is in full bloom at the moment and we have been having the most amazing sunsets. In this photo above, we almost had rain, almost… (can’t wait for rain…)

We made this wonderful Apple Clafouti that we discovered on Jen’s beautiful blog Sewn Natural Studio It was quick and easy to make and oh my goodness, it was divine, everyone wanted More! Thanks Jen:)
I have some exciting news to share, I am busy putting together a book porposal for my book and I will be sending it off within the next couple of weeks, I made the final decision last night and I am so happy about this new journey… Hold thumbs!
PS Nicole over at Garden Mama is having a fabulous giveaway!
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17 Responses to Our Days…

  1. Lisa October 5, 2010 at 6:13 pm #

    what a beautiful ojo de dios! they really are meditative. we have them hanging all over our house because i went crazy making them last summer! and your dandelion is just lovely. you are so talented. i must try that recipe. made an apple pie last night and there isn’t any left!
    have a great week

  2. Dawn October 5, 2010 at 7:10 pm #

    I sure love that view out onto your front garden. Beautiful! Thank you for the link to the apple clafouti. That looks delicious. I want to try making it soon.

  3. gardenmama October 5, 2010 at 7:39 pm #

    Thank you for the link Linda!
    What a beautiful start to your Spring!
    I am still swooning over the dandelion knit!

  4. Amy October 5, 2010 at 7:59 pm #

    OMG!! Your Apple Clafouti made me drool on my keyboard!!!!

    Love your Knitted Rabbit. So cute!! I will have to learn to knit.

    Have a wonderful day.

  5. Elizabeth October 5, 2010 at 8:29 pm #

    Oh Linda your garden is beautiful. Caiden did a fabulous job on the Ojos de Dios. The apple clafouti looks delicious. And finally how exciting about your book proposal. You certainly have had a busy and blessed week. Thanks for sharing.

    Blessings, Elizabeth

  6. Chrismated in Coffeeland October 5, 2010 at 9:34 pm #

    How fun! we were working on making God’s Eyes this morning as part of dd’ Native American block 🙂

    My dc were happy to crowd around the screen to see yours!

    We have been feeling isolated -sometimes its fun to get a peek into others homeschooling days!

  7. Plain and Joyful Living October 5, 2010 at 10:25 pm #

    Hi Linda,
    Oh, best wishes with your book plans!
    So nice to stop by here.
    Warm wishes, Tonya

  8. Féepoussière October 6, 2010 at 12:22 am #

    wow, so beautiful!
    and dandelion is simply wonderful!

  9. Redbeet Mama October 6, 2010 at 2:01 am #

    Love stopping by your blog, beautiful life pictures.

    Namaste, Nicole

  10. renee ~ heirloom seasons October 6, 2010 at 5:26 am #

    I love your knitted creations Linda, you really do have a great talent, I hope all goes very well with the book!

    The God’s Eye that Caiden made is beautiful. I would like for us to do more weaving projects. Many years ago I made some little pouches woven on a cardboard loom, I want to do them with the girls too, maybe you could include that as a project also.

  11. Heartfire At Home October 6, 2010 at 6:06 am #

    Oh wow, your garden is simply beautiful. I only have a small garden as I live in a unit… would love to have somewhere like that!

    And, that Apple Clafouti looks absolutley mouth-watering. I love apple pie and apple crumble, so there’s a pretty good chance I’d love it too!

    The God’s Eye is wonderful. The colours in it are my favourites. I have a home full of reds, oranges, pinks, some greys…. as well as some bright golden yellow and other autumn toned colours.

    Every room in my home has at least a touch of red in it, I’m just hardwired for it I think!

    Lovely to find your blog and *meet* you.

    Linda. xox 🙂

  12. Beth October 6, 2010 at 7:03 am #

    Linda, your days look so beautiful! I love your garden and always wish you would post more pictures of it 😉 Let me know if you would like me to send Caiden a little Native American package – we have raw cotton and Navajo yarn amongst other things. Have you thought of making a dreamcatcher? Or a little leather pouch? My kids have enjoyed both, though I suggest to keep the dreamcatcher small as it’s a little more complicated than the God’s Eye.

  13. jenny miller October 6, 2010 at 8:09 am #

    Beautiful! Love the dandelion, too. We are studying Native Americans too are doing dreamcatchers, pottery, basket-making, and more. Oh, and a talking stick or walking stick, what they decide it to be. We live in NC near the Cherokee and are hoping to visit soon. I want to thank you for your lovely blog and wish you the best for your book. Looking forward to that one! Keep us posted!

  14. Linda October 6, 2010 at 8:49 am #

    Dear Linda,
    Thank you for your wonderful comment:)
    Take care

    Dear Beth,
    Thank you so much, we would love that, you are so kind:) I will email you:)

    Dear Jenny,
    Thank you so much for your comment:)It sounds like you are having an amazing Native American block:)
    Take care

  15. goldenbird October 6, 2010 at 4:41 pm #

    Your garden is spectacular! Wow. And those apples … yum!

  16. K October 7, 2010 at 9:27 pm #

    I am going to shoot myself if Blogger eats another one of my comments, dang it!! I LOVE the apple stuff and want to make it RIGHT NOW. Except I would get fat if I did. At some point this month, I will cease to care about that, but not yet.

    Book proposals – I wonder if I’ll ever do one again? Do it well, my dear – I want that book.

  17. Valarie October 11, 2010 at 7:02 pm #

    Your days look lovely. The apple clafloutis looks divine.

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