Thank you all so much for your lovely comments regarding the knitted dandelion:) The last few days have been fun and busy… Caiden is finishing off his Native American block so we are busy with crafts at the moment and possibly for the rest of the week. Today we made stick bread. The bread was tasty and so filling too! He also made an Ojos de Dios that he enjoyed so much, it was almost like a meditation for him and he is busy making more… We will plant a Three Sisters Garden too. Any other suggestions would be appreciated for crafts:)
The view from our front door… Our Spring garden is in full bloom at the moment and we have been having the most amazing sunsets. In this photo above, we almost had rain, almost… (can’t wait for rain…)
We made this wonderful Apple Clafouti that we discovered on Jen’s beautiful blog Sewn Natural Studio It was quick and easy to make and oh my goodness, it was divine, everyone wanted More! Thanks Jen:)
I have some exciting news to share, I am busy putting together a book porposal for my book and I will be sending it off within the next couple of weeks, I made the final decision last night and I am so happy about this new journey… Hold thumbs!
PS Nicole over at Garden Mama is having a fabulous giveaway!