Some of our beds have been dug over and filled with compost, I just can’t wait to start planting, I have ordered a few heirloom veggie seeds, but I am still looking for a wonderful online supplier, if you know of any, please could you let me know in the comments:)
Erin planting up the newspaper pots with some of her pumpkin seeds.
Gifts for our neighbours. I really enjoy swapping produce with our neighbours…
This is a little DIY cloche that I am trying out, in order to give some of our plants a chance to grow, without being discovered by the chickens. The bottle acts like a tiny greenhouse, forming moisture on the sides of the glass to water the plant. Now to find some bigger bottles, hmmmmmm…
Meet Bill, he is so sweet…
The Jasmine is almost in bloom…
I was so close to frogging my Shalom, just couldn’t do it though… I tried it on again and decided that a loose fit was ok and then I was happy… phew, I am so relieved I procrastinated:) I am quietly knitting on the couch, knitting the first sleeve, just letting my back rest a little, and then I will be back out there in the veggie garden digging, planting and watching things grow:)
Take care and thanks so much for visiting,

Hi Linda,
Is this the jersey I couldn’t watch you unravel? If so glad it fits…. 🙂
Sounds like Spring has arrived. Bill isd so sweet and I just love making newspaper pots – I made loads earlier in the year.
Happy Week
I believe that Farmama’s blog has links to organic, non-GMO, heirloom and/or rare seed companies.
What a sweet bunny! I must say how exciting it is to watch the seasons in opposition. It is blazing hot here in the US South, and it will not feel like Autumn until late September. I’m going to remember the mini-greenhouse trick for some spinach and lettuces when it cools off.
Hope your back heals quickly!
Linda, you could try ‘The Lost Seed’ company here in Tassie. Not sure if they send overseas or if your country allows ‘foreign’! seeds in. We have pretty strict laws about getting them in here. They have a web page.
I cant wait to get out and start planting either but we have a bit longer to wait….sigh!!!
I know where to buy heirloom seeds in New Zealand if that is any help to you?
Off to check out the newspaper pots – we also use the cardboard tube from the toilet roll.
Posted my Heart Swap parcel to Canada this morning
Diggers have a good variety of seeds and you can order online.
I like the jar over seedling idea, ive seen it before but I hadnt thought to do it lately. Im thinking it might save early planted spring seeds from frost perhaps (wel see) Your bunny is adorable:)
Hi Natalie,
That’s the one:) Thanks
Thank you so much Carrie about the seeds and your well wishes:)
Thank you Evi:)
Dear Catherine,
Thanks so much, I must try toilet rolls too xo
Thank you Anne 🙂
Thanks for visiting Karen xo
I am having such a hard time imagining spring. Not just because I am beginning to crave autumn, but because we didn’t have any. But I let myself flow along with your words and almost got there. My back doesn’t go out often, but when it does – oy. I hope you have rested yourself enough that it’s calming down for you =
Here in Holland, harvest is in the air.
I don’t know if you have been to Sue’s she is a avid gardener here in the US in Michigan. She has a lovely place. I know your looking for seeds…but I thought you might like her place. I drool every time I go. For such a short growing season she sure gets allot out of it.