Growing Vegetables

Today has been such a productive day in our veggie garden. I planted up a bed of broad bean and pea seeds, mulched the lettuce and spinach bed to keep them warm during our colder autumn months and cut some bamboo to make teepee’s for the beans and peas to grow around… We usually have quite a lot of frost during our winter months so we have a shade net cover over our vegetable garden and it is amazing the difference this makes. It prevents our produce from being sunburnt in summer and frozen in winter.

I am grateful we have our own source of bamboo, we use it to make stakes for our tomato plants and teepee’s for beans etc… and it is economical and grows so fast too.

We picked some radishes and potatoes today, they are small but so full of flavour and the potatoes are so creamy.

Our naartjies are starting to turn orange at last!! I can’t wait to try one:)

We have companion planted Marigolds with our leeks and other vegetables, besides keeping insects at bay they are really nourishing for the soil as well. Once your Marigold flowers are finished you can either dry them and scatter the seeds throughout your veggie beds or use the flowers as a natural dye. I dye up merino wool with the flowers and it produces a lovely golden colour. Here is a post from a few years ago showing the wonderful colour from Marigold flowers.  A beautiful book for companion planting is ‘Companion Planting’ by Margaret Roberts. This is truly an amazing book, I love all of Margaret’s books. I have also found a wonderful local company that sells heirloom vegetable seeds, it is called Living Seeds, there are beautiful varieties available.

This is the window box outside from our kitchen door. For mother’s day I was gifted with these lovely herbs that you see planted here, coriander, Echinacea, Curry plant, Tatsoi (for our green juices) and parsley. As you can see Charlie just blends in beautifully:)

Erin washed our fresh veggies in preparation for supper…
Have a lovely day everyone:) and thank you for visiting here xo

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12 Responses to Growing Vegetables

  1. FroggyMama May 14, 2011 at 5:26 pm #

    Looks homegrown delicious! I love your bamboo poles – we’ve been thinking of trying to grow some ourselves. It would be a great source of “supplies”!

  2. Rosina {Rosy ~ Posy} May 14, 2011 at 8:07 pm #

    Your garden and veggies look great Linda 🙂 Our growing season is just starting and I’ll be able to get planting outdoors this month 🙂 I can’t wait.

    We use the bamboo poles for our beans and peas as well but I’ve never grown our own. Is it invasive? I’ve been told that it can take over and come up through the lawns and fields so I’ve been afraid to try it 🙂 Would be great to have our own though!

  3. Rachel May 14, 2011 at 11:02 pm #

    Wow! To be able to plant all year long. Not something I think about! I’m behind getting my gardens in this year. The rain has really set me back but we’re getting closer!!

    Your produce looks wonderful.

  4. Donna May 15, 2011 at 12:07 am #

    I love home grown…and my local Farmer’s Market!

  5. K May 15, 2011 at 2:18 am #

    Serious gardening. The only way I get close to this is when I wheedle fresh broccoli out of my neighbor. Sometimes the horses stick their heads through the fence and try to steal things – but he’s so patient, and just plants so that they can’t reach. I always love a garden – but I only want to wander in it. Linda, I am useless. I don’t like digging OR cooking –

  6. Frockfarie May 15, 2011 at 9:02 am #

    Looks so good. I spent some of today digging up more lawn to put in another garden bed in. I have just ordered berries, herbs and a couple of trees from the Diggers Club and need some free space to put them in. We still have some beetroot and carrots to harvest and the broccoli and purple podded peas are coming along nicely. It is so nice to be able to go out to the garden to get your veg for dinner.

  7. karen May 15, 2011 at 9:32 am #

    your garden is so beautiful and productive!

  8. Ann May 15, 2011 at 5:14 pm #

    Wow! what a harvest. I too have been busy planting and growing veg. This year I have transformed the garden to make use of very possilbe space. I have left the wild blackberries in the hope of a good crop in the Autumn. My radishes will soon be ready providing I can prevent the cat from sleeping on them.
    Oh!the joys of gardening.
    Happy Week

  9. Amanda May 16, 2011 at 9:09 pm #

    Lovely garden!

  10. Redbeet Mama May 19, 2011 at 4:06 pm #

    Hello Linda, it was time well spent on your blog this morning- so very good for my soul.

    Thank you.

  11. Vikki May 19, 2011 at 6:40 pm #

    You radish & potato crop just reminded me of this GREAT potato salad recipe in one of my Jamie Oliver books – its also on his website here its delicious!!

  12. W-S Wanderings May 20, 2011 at 6:26 pm #

    Year-round gardening, lucky woman, you! And marigolds – I never thought of using them as dye. You have inspired me. Must get marigold seeds planted this year.


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