Archive | Photography

After the Rain…




Can you see the tiny Songbird in the bush above?
















A few days ago mother nature gifted us with beautiful rain! We have very cold, dry winters here in Gauteng (Johannesburg) not a drop of rain  for a few months. Somehow, our weather seems to be evolving and resulted in a small cloud burst. We woke up to thunder in the distance, I just adore lying in bed, listening to a storm. It rained solidly for a few hours and then stopped. I ran outside, camera in hand, to explore the beautiful fresh looking world, washed clean before my eyes…

We had a busy but lovely weekend spent with friends and family eating warm soup and homemade bread.

PS I’m having a giveaway on Nicole’s lovely blog Frontier Dreams. I’m offering a knitted pig called Petunia and 8 Mamma4earth knitting patterns, winners choice:)

Wishing you a wonderful start to your week dear friends.


Black and White Wednesday

Thank you so much to everyone who wished me well yesterday, you are all wonderful supportive friends!
I absolutely love black and white photography, it lends itself to such amazing detail and precious moments are saved forever on film…  I will be posting a black and white photo each Wednesday along with my WIPs, I think it will be great fun.  I would love it if you would join me on this journey of journaling, I will be posting a photo that I treasure, it can be anything that is important to you, your family, pets, a landscape etc (in black and white)… Please feel free to leave a comment with your link of your photo so we can visit your post:) I will be adding a button on the side of my blog soon linking to Black and White Wednesday.
This is one of my favourite photos of all my little ones playing happily together…
Have a great day everyone

Portrait Saturday…

Dear Friends,
Thank you so much to everyone who posted on Friendship Friday yesterday, it was an honour to have you share your creativity here:) I will make this space avaliable each Friday for anyone who would like to share their wonderful creative gifts… 
This morning was amazing, the mist hung in the air and as I walked outside I could actually see the water droplets floating by… all too soon the sun rose and drank it all away, but what a glorious day we have had…
It was a perfect day for spinning… I haven’t spun for quite some time and I decided today was the day. Richard took the children out this morning and I had a few hours to myself. I went and found a lovely camel silk roving, sat in my workroom and spun. This roving was so smooth to spin and the colours were like food for my soul…

I spun the entire roving, it was a peaceful meditation, just the gentle sound of my spinningwheel turning…

Wishing you all a peaceful Saturday, thanks for stopping by:)

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