Archive | Fairy Garden

Today’s Activities

Today has been such a productive day, it started off with more Mulberry picking, but after a while we just stretched an old mosquito net under each branch, shook the branches and loads of ripe fruit rained down. It was wonderful and so much easier than picking each little berry individually. They were washed and another 12 bottles of jam have been made, I really love this, I feel like a pioneer! The soap that we made a few weeks ago is hardening nicely and we will start using that in about a months time. So for now we have jam and handmade soap to gift friends and family with at Christmas:) I must start on some more gifts, Christmas is so close now!

I also managed to plant some seeds today for squash, pumpkins and sugar baby melons.

Catching mulberries…

We have discovered that we also have a white mulberry tree, those berries are in the basin on the right, I will make a new batch of jam for these.

This is Lucy Rabbit she is visiting us all the way from Australia. I will soon be sending her on to Kristen in the USA. Lucy has been patiently watching me make jam all day:) It is so lovely to have her visit us:)

I love these Calendula flowers, I have planted them all amongst my veggies to attract bees and other pollinators.


A shy apple…

Happy Wednesday:)


Kye’s Fairy Garden…

Kye has always loved, The Hollyhock Wall by Martin Waddell… It really is the sweetest little book. As soon as he opened his eyes this morning he wanted to know if I had a pot for him to build his garden in. He was inspired to build a fairy garden just like the one he has seen inside this book… This was a project for Richard and Kye, it was so sweet to see them building the garden together. Erin made a bridge from matches, a ribbon was used for a stream, a little house structure was built and plants planted here and there with some moss. Erin also made some people from corks and now they live happily in this fairy garden by our front door…. Kye is the happiest five year old in the world and declared that this was THE best day ever! I will just have to talk very nicely to our 16 chickens and ask them to please not go and scratch in this pot as the fairies live there now:)

Take care…
Linda xo

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