Archive | Knitting

Recent Creativity

Hello there,

It’s such a busy time of year here, my oldest daughter has just passed her second year of Chiropractic! Yay!! I’m so very proud of her πŸ™‚ My second oldest has just passed her drivers test (wow! lovely!) and is busy with her matric finals! So much going on, time is flying and Christmas is almost here. Kye painted this beautiful painting on Friday and has decided that he quite likes to paint now, I love how it turned out, it’s hanging up in the dining room for everyone to see.

I’ve been wanting to knit a fox pattern for the longest time, so here he is, almost done, I just need to knit his tail. He also needs a name, so if you have any suggestions, please post in the comments.

Happy weekend!



Knitting and Cycling etc…

Hello friends, it’s been a long while since I popped in here to share about our life! It’s good to be writing again πŸ™‚ Β Winter is finally over, it wasn’t as cold as we anticipated and we only lit a handful of fires, Spring made a brief appearance and then Summer took over. We’re still waiting patiently for the rains to come, it’s incredibly dry, our garden really needs water. Rain is forecast for this entire weekend so here’s hoping it happens. Our chickens have also finished their yearly molt and we are being blessed with many eggs daily.

We have also moved all of our chickens into the wooden house, there were two separate houses but we’ve removed the smaller one and now they all live together.

I’ve been busy knitting a couple of custom orders for rabbits and alpacas πŸ™‚ The pattern for the large Alpaca can be found in my Craftsy shop.

Bailey is such a blessing, she is so sweet and has a lovely nature… We’ve had to visit the vet twice this week but she is much better now.

I’ve started mountain biking more with Richard, this was the Transvaal Galvanisers race we did together to raise funds for The Apricot Tree school. It was a chilly morning but lots of fun!

Love the sunsets while we are out riding.

Erin went with her boyfriend to his Matric Farewell recently, don’t they look wonderful! Her dress was made by Benita Colete, she is amazing!!

And one more photo of Bailey…

Have a wonderful weekend!


Hello from a cold South Africa

Hello from a very cold South Africa πŸ™‚

The temperature has plummeted over the past week but our lovely indigenous Aloes are flowering and attracting may birds and insects to our garden. I love them, they are gorgeous plants!

A boy and his dog… K loves Bailey to bits! She is such a sweet girl and has given our other Lab Sandy a boost of longevity. They play for hours and then have long naps together only to resume playing again.

Our beautiful Orchid is flowering again, this plant was given to me as a gift the day Jen was born almost 20 years ago. It flowers profusely year after year and gives us such joy! When it was given to me it was a single bloom with a few leaves at the base but now it has expanded and takes up an entire container.

I am busy with a new pattern for someone, I’m enjoying the design process tremendously and love seeing the development take shape.

We have had to start lighting fires again, it’s so cozy and warm. We’ve collected plenty of wood from our garden during our pruning season, so that worked out very well and is sustainable too.

Oh and this is Bailey attempting to steal my knitting every opportunity she gets. I love her x

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