Tag Archives | day trip

Hartbeespoort Cableway Visit

Haarties Cableway

Haarties Cableway2

Everyone is nervous and excited!

Haarties Cableway3

Haarties Cableway4

Haarties Cableway5

Eeek, the ascent begins…

Haarties Cableway6

At the top

Haarties Cableway7


Me, Hello there!! 🙂

Haarties Cableway9

Some of the older cable cars on display, I don’t think I could have made the trip in one of these, you?

Haarties Cableway8

Haarties Cableway10

Haarties Cableway11

Enjoying a drink before we leave.

Hartebeespoort Dam

Just love those yachts on the dam.

Haarties Cableway12

Some of the wonderful staff that operate the cable-way.

Haarties Cableway13

A few days ago we went on a short day-trip to Hartbeespoort to go up the Harties Cableway. It was so impressive and had state of the art equipment imported from Switzerland (this tiny snippet of information made me feel very happy indeed, Swiss equipment is good, I just kept telling myself this the whole time… I’m afraid of heights, just in case you were wondering…) My nerves were finished by the time I got to the top but I’m so glad I went up, the scenery was superb and it was a wonderful experience to share with our family.


Day Visit to Lory Park




Lory Zoo 3

Lory Zoo 4

Black-breasted Snake Eagle

Khoi Fish

Khoi Fish


Spotted Owls


Lemurs (I so want to knit them but who would want a knitted Lemur???)

Lory Zoo

Orange Iguana

Lory Zoo 5


Today we all set off on a short road trip to Midrand to visit Lory Park. It’s always such a treat to visit there. The animals are well cared for and have beautiful living conditions.  It’s also a wonderful learning experience for the whole family, the rangers actually allow visitors to go into certain cages and have a close-up experience with many of the animals. The little colourful bird in the above photo was so friendly, he flew around, sang to us and followed us as far as he could when we walked by his aviary. I highly reccomend a visit there if you are nearby.

Tomorrow is Creative Friday, I am busy knitting on my Forest Glade cowl, so I will hopefully have a few photos to share with you:)

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