Tag Archives | wup wednesday

WIP Wednesday and Yarn Along



Kye and Charlie


I’ve been spinning some Wensleydale fibre for the Tour de Fleece, I love the long draw of Wensleydale, it’s so easy to spin up and fast too! Richard returned from Spain and the UK yesterday, it feels like he was away forever and it’s SO good to have him home again, the kids are thrilled to see their dad!

Kye loves to go out into the sun and jump on his trampoline, he goes out at least  five or six times a day to bounce and as soon as Charlie sees him going out, he races out to join him.

Jen’s camel silk gloves are coming along nicely, I chose the Treads, a Tipless Gloves Pattern, isn’t it gorgeous?? It’s a free pattern on Ravelry and I love it.

My Moulin Rouge Cowl test knit is going well, some beautiful yarns being knitted up into cowls!

Hope you are having a wonderful week.

Joining with Ginny.

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