Tag Archives | winter

In the Garden



Love the spirals on this plant!



We’ve been working in the garden this week, I know it’s still technically winter but I just can’t wait, I’m having so much fun! We cleared both beds down the driveway, there were old lavender bushes planted there and they were very woody and dead in the middle. We’ve replaced them with standard roses, Agapanthus at the back and lots of colourful seedlings. The Agapanthus grow like weeds all over our garden in huge clumps, we dug a few of them up, separated, trimmed and replanted them to form borders.

More pics to come soon!

Have a lovely Sunday:)


Portrait Saturday


It’s still freezing cold here in SA. This fireplace in our study has been burning for a few days now. Our water pipes are frozen solid in the mornings as well as the bird bath and even the water bowls for the chickens! This is the room where I do most of my pattern designing and pattern writing, it’s the warmest room in the house, so the boys, Sandy and all the cats are here with me. It’s been lovely spending time with the boys while the girls have been away hiking. We’ve played many games of UNO, read stories and have been having out tea together outside in the early morning sun. Tonight we are going to play Scrabble!

My test knit for the Moulin Rouge cowl is now full! Thanks so much to all the knitters who signed up. If you’d like to follow the test knit go here and do say ‘hi’.

Remember there’s going to be a Super Moon tonight, I’m going to brave the cold and try and take some photos.

My girls will be back tomorrow and Richard on Tuesday, I can’t wait to see everyone again!

Hope you are having a lovely weekend.

If you would like to join me for Portrait Saturday, post a link to your post in the comments for this post.



Portrait Saturday

Frozen birdbath

We are experiencing freezing weather at the moment! Last night was SO incredibly cold, we had to have two fires going in an attempt to warm up our home. When we woke up this morning, our water pipes were frozen and the water in the bird baths was solid too. We saw one of our bunnies trying to drink but she was just licking the solid ice. I do hope this is just a passing cold front, I sincerely hope the temperature goes up tomorrow, brrrrrr….

Have a lovely Saturday!

If you have a portrait you’d like to share, please link to your post in the comments.


A Day Full of Surprises!!






I took this photo with my phone on the way to buy chicken food today, just loved the starkness of the tree against the sky.


Today has been the most exciting day ever!! We had snow!!! Not a lot, but we had snow!!!

We have been hoping for snow since the last time we had it in 2007 and here it is. It has been snowing on and off for most of the day. The kids are beyond excited and so am I!

This is the new fence we have been building to keep our chickens to one side of the garden.

Later the sun came out, so we went out into the back garden, Sandy started chasing something and we ran to see what it was. It ran and jumped into our swimming pool. It was a young Moorhen. She was so beautiful, such vibrant colours and the most amazing green and yellow legs and feet.

We quickly drove down to the pan and released her there with all the other Moorhens, I am so happy she escaped Sandy and we were able to return her to her home!

Aaaah and then to make my day even more perfect, a parcel arrived from dear Lori, such a wonderful gift, her photo book from her travels to Namibia! Every photo is beautiful and precious. I will treasure this special gift always!

PS If you haven’t yet entered the giveaway from Jeni, The Blog Maven for a beautiful Custom Blog Header worth $150, go here.

Have a great day, I am off to play in the snow!!

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