Tag Archives | tour de fleece

Creative Friday

Moulin Rouge Cowl Test Knit

Kate's Moulin Rouge Cowl Test Knit

Lise's Moulin Rouge Cowl Test Knit


The Moulin Rouge Cowl test knit has been going well and such beautiful cowls are being knitted, I just had to share them here with you today! If you would like to follow along or even sign up as a test knitter, you can visit my group here.

I’ve also just finished spinning up my Wensleydale roving for the Tour de Fleece, it’s such an easy fibre to spin.

Do you use coconut oil? I’ve been reading up about it and it sounds truly wonderful, especially regarding dementia, Alzheimers and as a general healing remedy! I’ve started adding it to my coffee and using it on my skin. I’d love to hear any feedback you have if you use it.

Our temperatures have risen slightly here in SA but I believe we are in for another freezing spell!!

Oh yes, I’ve only just started using an e-reader, this is all so new for me:) Anyway Erin is going to read from it too and I just figured out how to download books! Yay! I still love to hold actual books in my hands but occasionally I can simply download one immediately and read straight away! Technology is amazing at times!

Have a lovely weekend, I can’t wait to see your links!


WIP Wednesday and Yarn Along



Kye and Charlie


I’ve been spinning some Wensleydale fibre for the Tour de Fleece, I love the long draw of Wensleydale, it’s so easy to spin up and fast too! Richard returned from Spain and the UK yesterday, it feels like he was away forever and it’s SO good to have him home again, the kids are thrilled to see their dad!

Kye loves to go out into the sun and jump on his trampoline, he goes out at least  five or six times a day to bounce and as soon as Charlie sees him going out, he races out to join him.

Jen’s camel silk gloves are coming along nicely, I chose the Treads, a Tipless Gloves Pattern, isn’t it gorgeous?? It’s a free pattern on Ravelry and I love it.

My Moulin Rouge Cowl test knit is going well, some beautiful yarns being knitted up into cowls!

Hope you are having a wonderful week.

Joining with Ginny.


Spinning and the Tour de France








I’ve been spinning! I haven’t spun for ages and I’d quite forgotten what a wonderful process and meditation it can be. It’s the Tour de France as I’m sure you know and Ravelry always hosts the Tour de Fleece for all us cycling supporters at the same time. On Saturday, I found my spinning wheel, dusted it off, (it was so dusty) and started spinning up this beautiful Merino and silk fibre. I managed to get back into it quite quickly and I’m going to knit Jen a pair of mittens from this yarn. I just need to find a suitable pattern, if you know of any, let me know. Kye has expressed a keen interest in spinning and he’s asked me to teach him how. As I spun, he sat nearby watching how it all came together. He asked many questions and was working it all out in his mind, I loved observing his thirst for knowledge for this ancient art and I hope I can show him how to be a spinner. I think I must begin by reading him a good book like A New Coat for Anna or Pelle’s New Suit and then go on to washing and carding fibre and finally spinning. This is very exciting!


Creative Friday


This is some yarn I spun up a while ago, I can’t wait for the Tour de Fleece to start on Ravelry! I haven’t spun for a while, so I need to dust off my spinning wheel and get ready! Just a few more days! Are you joining the Tour de Fleece this year? Let me know if you are:) The Tour de Fleece, is a group on Ravelry that spinns during the Tour de France, there are even rest days, it’s great fun and there are different teams for every type of spinner.

Welcome to Creative Friday,

Please feel free to post your links to anything you have created and would like to share, it can be a recipe, sewing tutorial, knitting tutorial, felting, crochet, crafts, art, spinning, weaving, working with fibre, photography, poetry…etc…

I have added a Creative Friday button on the sidebar of my blog, please feel free to add it to your blog for Creative Friday and link it to http://www.naturalsuburbia.com/ so others can find this space and share their creativity too:)

1. I have started a Creative Friday Flickr Group where you can post your beautiful photos that you link to each Creative Friday. To join the group, please go here.

2. If you would be so kind as to link back to Natural Suburbia in your blog post that would be lovely or pin, share on Facebook and Twitter.

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