We have been having such lovely weather here lately that Caiden and Kye decided it was time to swim! Really? Already? We have just eased into Spring here in the Southern Hemisphere. The water felt freezing this morning but who am I to say it’s too cold to swim?
So out we went, my knitting in hand, two projects mind you, I could have brought just one but what if I wanted to knit on something else while I was outside. (I know, how can deciding what project to take with be so difficult? So that’s why both ended up outside with me, the colour affection shawl and Jenna’s sock that I’m busy designing).

Kye is very uncertain about this whole process, his older brother has told him the water is warm but he has felt is and warm isn’t quite the word I would use to describe the water temperature…

Venturing onto the first step…

Sandy always at the ready to launch herself fully into the water at any given moment.

But oh! There he goes, a quick jump!

And then out and into a warm towel. He lost his top front tooth this weekend and the strange thing is, is that since that tooth has come out, he hasn’t once woken up in the middle of the night and climbed into our bed. He sleeps straight through the night in his own room and wakes around 7am. Steiner wrote quite extensively about the loss of teeth and behavioural changes in children, I think I need to re-visit that reading material again…
Happy day to you.