Tag Archives | homeschooling

Checking In

Banting Rusks

Ink and Bleach painting

Ink and Bleach painting2



Adding Salt




I feel so awful right now, I’m full of flu. I thought I’d escaped unscathed. Jen, Kye and Cady have been very ill over the past week. They are feeling much better but as for me, I think I’m going to crawl into bed sometime soon…. We went to our homoeopath and he gave us a wonderful herbal concoction that looks and smells rather like pond water. Well… this pond water has tremendous healing properties, Jen was feeling SO much better after taking it for a few hours and even managed to write her Life Science exam the following day. I’m bravely taking it now, it does taste dreadful but it’s worth it.

We’ve been busy for 3 weeks with June exams, they are all finished now and the kids went to movies this morning to see How to Train Your Dragon 2 to celebrate! It’s holidays!! I had some ‘me’ time this morning, I knitted on my cowl a little and then made these divine looking LC banting rusks I’ve been reading so much about. They’re still in the oven drying out, the recipe is on the Banting for Healthy Living Facebook page, they have the most wonderful recipes over there and they’re always having great discussions about LCHF too.

Yesterday, our teacher did some ink and bleach painting with the kids, they painted with the ink first and then added a tiny amount of bleach to the wet ink. The result was amazing, the bleach obviously changed and removed the colour from the ink where it fell and rendered very pretty effects indeed. They also added a dusting of salt to the wet ink, waited for it to dry and then brushed it off. I searched for ink and bleach painting on Pinterest if you would like to see some interesting art.

It’s been exceptionally cold here, that’s Charlie above trying to warm up on the kitchen couch.

I’ve started reading the Little House series to Kye, he loves it! I read these books to his older siblings when they were about his age and they enjoyed them too.

Tomorrow is Friday!! Yeah!!



Creative Friday




Jen, Erin and Caiden learnt how to draw the eye today…

PS. I have just added a thread over on my Mamma4earth Ravelry group called Test Knitters. If you would like to be involved in my future test knits, please pop over there and comment on the thread. It doesn’t mean that you have to participate in every test knit, it just means I will earburn you to see if you are keen to take part when there is one:)

Go here to see more.

Welcome to Creative Friday,

Please feel free to post your links to anything you have created and would like to share, it can be a recipe, sewing tutorial, knitting tutorial, felting, crochet, crafts, art, spinning, weaving, working with fibre, photography, poetry…etc…

I have added a Creative Friday button on the sidebar of my blog, please feel free to add it to your blog for Creative Friday and link it to http://www.naturalsuburbia.com/ so others can find this space and share their creativity too:)

1. I have started a Creative Friday Flickr Group where you can post your beautiful photos that you link to each Creative Friday. To join the group, please go here.

2. If you would be so kind as to link back to Natural Suburbia in your blog post that would be lovely or pin, share on Facebook and Twitter.


An Ordinary Kind of Tuesday

NF Yarns

NF Yarn

NF Yarns2

NF Yarns3

I received a beautiful parcel from the post office today, yarn… I belong to the Luxury and Mystery Clubs from Nurturing Fibres and look what arrived! Amongst the blue yarns in the top photo is Yak. I have no idea what I’m going to knit with it but I love that it’s here.



Inquisitive chickens following me around while I take photos…


Our Aloes are in bloom…



So is Jenna’s birth Orchid, her birthday is on Sunday and as always this Orchid, which I received the day she was born is flowering.



Jen is in the middle of her grade 10 exams, it’s a very stressful time, she wrote English Paper 1 today and enjoyed it. If anyone is homeschooling their children through high-school, I would love to hear about the curriculum’s you are using and and how it’s going, even if you are finished homeschooling, I would love to hear about your experience. Our children write a grade 12 matric exam here in South Africa at the end of their school career and there’s a lot of work to cover, it’s all feeling daunting and scary right now…

Thank goodness my flu is almost gone but Cady and Kye are still a little under the weather.

Chat soon:)


Yarn Along

Oaklet Shawl 6

I’ve been knitting steadily on the Oaklet Shawl and love how the colours are blending into one another, Daniella’s yarn is so soft and easy to knit with…

Oaklet Shawl 7

I knitted while Jen wrote her first grade 10 test today.  We have never experienced writing tests this way before, downloading them with passwords, having an invigilator sit for 2 hours while the test was written and then loading the paper onto a server for marking within a certain time. It was all a little nerve wrecking but the test reached Brainline in time and Jen is now studying for the next test session tomorrow which is maths. Phew! At least now we know how it all works and tomorrow should be a breeze:)

Needle Book

This was my mom’s first needle book she ever bought. I was searching for a needle the other night to sew on Kye’s cub badges and couldn’t find one anywhere. She mentioned she had some travellling needle kits at her house and would bring me one. I was expecting a very simple little kit but instead, it was treasure!! She gave me this beautiful needle book, oh how I love it! It’s been packed away in a very safe place and when I use it, I will always think of my dear mom.

Needle Book 1

Needle Book 2

There is even a date 1964! Like I said, treasure!

Happy Yarn Along to you.

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