It has been a wonderful week filled with thunder storms and rain. Our garden is so green! Green is my favourite colour at the moment, it seems to be everywhere. I loved seeing the raindrops on these leaves, this is the area in our garden where the rabbits live. It has a little stream with a small bridge crossing over it, to the left of this space is a very old prune tree that’s covered with ripening prune fruit.
Our asparagus is finally pushing through the soil, it’s so delicious…
The raspberries have started flowering along the veggie garden fence, I am hoping for a bumper crop this season. My mom-in-law has the most amazing raspberry fruit each year, she said her secret was putting plenty of horse manure into the holes before she planted each plant. I am going to add manure around the plants and water it in well and just see what happens.
The peaches and nectarines are looking lovely. The plastic bags I tied onto the trees to keep the birds at bay have really worked, the birds have eaten some of the fruit but have avoided the spots where the bags have been blowing around, so we are sharing, some fruit for the birds and some for us:)
Plenty of ladybugs everywhere…
Our figs seem to fruit each year but I have never tasted a ripe fig, the fig wasps seem to sting them and send them into a state of rot. Any suggestions on how to care for figs, I would really love to taste a ripe fig from one of our trees. My mom has always told me about the huge fig tree that grew in her garden while she was growing up, how delicious the figs used to taste, especially when they had been chilled in the fridge. I would like to experience that too, any suggestions??
This season of spring is just beautiful…
Have a lovely weekend.