Archive | yarn along

Spinning and How Much Drama can Just One Day Hold?

I have finished my wool and tussah silk hand spun, I am very happy with it and it’s going to be a Winter scarf. I really love wearing scarves in Autumn and Winter and the fact that they are hand knitted makes me feel so happy to wear them.

It has been rather an interesting day so far, hence the title of this blog post. It actually started last night when we had no hot water to bath with. That was still fine and then this morning the geyser started to leak. It was later confirmed that it had burst in 3 places and would have to be replaced. Thank goodness we are still under warranty with the geyser company! They are going to install another one with no cost to us tomorrow. We do have another small solar geyser, so as long as we stagger the bath times we should all have hot water. Caiden has gastric flu, but seems to be feeling a little better now.

Later in the day I was taking the girls to their art lesson and our car overheated, I made it to a service station and when we tried to start the car again, the battery was flat??? The owner of the service station was so helpful and managed to charge the battery enough for me to make it back home and now we are off to buy a new battery.

Phew, it has been a day all right, but I am so grateful for all the wonderful and helpful people that have appeared throughout the day. At one point, I remember smiling to myself and thinking, maby it’s time to slow down, forget the panic and see all the goodness that surrounds me…

Thank you so much to everyone who responded to my blog post yesterday about simplifying our life, I have really enjoyed reading all your messages and I am still busy responding to each one:) You have all given me plenty to think about.

How has your day been so far?


WIP Wednesday

I have been working on a few flower patterns, this one is for a Poppy, the pattern will be ready soon.
An E-book for these flower patterns and more is going to be happening soon:) I have signed up with bookbaby and I’m VERY excited, what a lovely publishing company!

My Circumnavigate cowl is coming along nicely. Can’t wait to wear it!!

My little Hippo is almost complete, I have been typing out all my patterns on my I-Pad, have I mentioned how much I love this little piece on technology? It has made pattern writing so much easier for me:)

What have you been working on this week?

PS There is a REALLY HUGE giveaway on my blog from the Natural Kids Team, just go here to see it!


WIP Wednesday and Yarn Along

I am so excited about this Tea Leaves cardigan, I am past the armholes now, tried it on and it fits perfectly! Happy dance!! All that doubt I had, dreading knitting this far, thinking it would be too big and well, it isn’t 🙂 What joy!

I am also thrilled the colours are showing through in this photo above…

PS ‘A Faithful Journey’ asked which wool I was knitting with. The wool is an aran weight which I hand painted myself with earth friendly dyes. I was going for a vintage, antique effect.

Our Koek-koek and Buff Orpington chickens have grown so big already…

Meet Marty, she lives in the garden with her other rabbit friend Jack.

Joining in with Ginny today.

Have a lovely day and thanks for visiting…


WIP Wednesday and Yarn Along

I have cast on and being knitting my Tea Leaves Cardigan, such a lovely knit. I can’t wait to wear it. I am enjoying the colour, muted and pleasant with an Autumn feel. I used Vioset dye for the wool, combining a red brown and a few scatterings of grey. I hand painted the wool, which makes it easier to add more colour or less where you want.

Yesterday I finished my Rhino pattern, there is a giveaway for his pattern in the previous post.

Our mornings and evenings have become really cold, we lit our first fire today, but then as the sun rose, the day became glorious and warm.

Joining with Ginny’s Yarn Along today

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