We have been having quite a bit of outside time in the sun this winter…
And mama can sit in the warm afternoon sun and knit her precious treasures….
Erin has been enjoying making felt animals all week….
I bought an old doll making book from a thrift shop and Jenna is so taken with this book. We went to the material shop and bought all the items she needed to make her doll and then we came home and she started straight away and worked into the evening. She is so inspired and just loving this project. She has done all of this herself and I am so impressed!
Here Jen has stitched her together and now she is busy making her clothes…
My new horse project…
A Wonderful Etsy Shop Discovery!
And now to tell you all about a wonderful homeschooling mama, called Lorilee who has her own Etsy shop, her shop name is Mamakopp and she makes the most divine wooden toys, they are so beautiful http://www.etsy.com/shop.php?user_id=5498615 this is her shop address or http://www.mamakopp.etsy.com/
Some of her toys are inspired by the books that she reads to her family…. Others her own creations….
Here are some of the treasures she sells:
Aren’t these just wonderful!
I bought a few items from her shop this week and I just can’t wait for them to arrive…
Enjoy Lorilee’s shop,
Have a wonderful week everyone…