Archive | Recipes

Lemon Cheese

Today as part of Erin’s Farming Block she made Lemon Cheese! It was so quick, I was amazed. This is the big ball of cheese that she made from 1 litre of milk and the juice from 3 lemons and a pinch of salt. In the photo the cheese has been hanging in the cheese cloth for half an hour. It has already become quite hard! The longer you let it hang in the cheese cloth, the drier and harder it becomes.
We were able to eat it on crackers after half an hour, it was fantastic!!

Banana Bread

Today we had so many bananas and because it’s Richard’s favourite, I decided to bake banana bread. It turned out divine and I am going to share my recipe with you. It has been in our family for quite a few generations:


125 g butter
1 cup brown sugar
2 free range eggs
2 cups flour / 8 ounces
2 tsp baking powder
4-6 really ripe babanas
1 tsp vanilla essence
half tsp salt

1. Beat sugar and butter until creamy then add vanilla.
2. Add eggs one at a time and beat.
3. Sift dry ingredients together and add to butter and sugar mix.
4. Mash babanas and add to the mixture.
5. Mix well and put into a small greased loaf pan.

Bake @ 180 degrees celsius for an hour.


Making Butter

We have been reading quite a few of the Little House books by Laura Ingalls Wilder and this led us to making our own butter. We have also been studying a Southern African tribe of people who used to exist along the Cape coastline of South Africa called the Khoikhoi, they would also make their own butter by rolling cream in a calabash from side to side.

We used a jam jar, poured some cream into it and also put a small marble into the jar (this acts like a little mixer while you shake the jar, don’t forget to remove it when your butter is made, we used a hard plastic marble because I was concerned a glass marble would crack the jar). If your prefer salted butter, now would be a good time to add some salt or just leave it unsalted. Make sure that your lid is on tight, or you could have cream fiasco!

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