Archive | Portrait Sunday

Portrait Sunday and a small Giveaway

Thanks so much to everyone who left such lovely comments regarding the owl pattern in the previous post:) Today I have been taking photos of some of the birdlife in our garden and I am also having a small giveaway at the end of this post.
Just look at these girls digging out our barrels… they are so special:)

Our resident Masked Weaver building a new nest.

Black Collared Barbet feeding on the bird feeder…

My new handspun, it is a Superwash Merino Yarn, I bought the roving from Nurturing Fibres on Etsy and I really enjoyed spinning it up.

I am offering this lovely rainbow superwash Merino handspun yarn as a giveaway:) To enter just leave a comment. The giveaway winner will be announced on Wednesday in this blog post. You may enter once each day for the giveaway until Wednesady if you wish:)

Wishing everyone a wonderful week xo Linda

dayswithdaniel said…
I love it! Just gorgeous. Wish I could spin. x

Congratulations! Please would you email me your postal details:)


Portrait Sunday… Agapanthus Everywhere…

I am so enjoying our garden at the moment… our Agapanthus flowers are in full bloom right now…  They come up each year around this time, but have never given such a beautiful show…  Earlier this year, we dug them up and divided them as they had grown and multiplied into great clumps. It was worth all the hard work because now they are all flowering at once. They are such beautiful flowers, indigenous to South Africa, their perfect symmetry is amazing and wonderful to gaze at… I love to sit in a shady spot on the grass outside and knit and be inspired by this beauty of Mother Nature…

Even Charlie was enjoying being outdoors today…


Portrait Sunday…

A boy and his dog… Kye loves to be outside with Gus, our Jack Russel… Kye talks to him about so many things… so sweet…
Thank you to everyone who wrote to me yesterday and commented about Richard being away, you are all so supportive and that’s what I really love about the blogging community and the friends that I have made here, the kindness shown by everyone is such a blessing, love to you all and have a wonderful Sunday,
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