Dear Friends,
Thanks so much to everyone who has put their name forward for the Share the Love Heart Swap, we have started to partner people up and we are all looking so forward to this wonderful crafting experience and connecting with people all over the world:) Jenny B I received your comment but I couldn’t find your email you sent through, it must be stuck in cyberspace. If you could resend your address, name and blog link through that would be wonderful, thanks so much:) I will write more about the swap at the end of this blog post…:)
Now back to our travelling Easter Tree. My very creative friend,
Heidi, and I have decided to put together a travelling Easter tree that will commute between our two homes and each time it arrives we will put together a tutorial specifically for the tree. Heidi built the tree and you can see her tutorial
here on her blog, her first addition to the tree was a crocheted Easter
egg tutorial.
Now it is my turn. When this beautiful tree arrived on Sunday afternoon, I looked at it and throught how lovely it was. I was wondering what I could add to this tree…. I decided on a Robin’s bird nest with eggs:)
Here is the tutorial below:
I used:
Brown Alpaca roving for the nest
Merino roving for the nest
Blue roving for the eggs
Needlefelting punch
For nests I usually make the nest on the corner of the sponge. Take quite a large amount of merino roving and start using a needle punch to firm up the roving into a nest shape.
Once I have shaped the nest and it is quite firm, I needlefelted the inside of the nest, turned it over and also felted the back.
Now it is time to add the outer colour of the nest, the brown roving. Just tear thin strips, spread them out and start needlefelting them, until you have a nice smooth surface.
This is the underside of the nest.
The inside of the nest… I just curve it slightly and continue with the needlepunch to firm up the shape.
And there you go, a little Robin’s nest:)
For the eggs, I used natural Merino roving for the egg shape. Needlefelted the egg until it was nice and firm.
Added the blue outer colour in thin strips and made sure the surface was covered and smooth.
And there you go!
A Robin’s nest with eggs:)
Perfect for an Easter tree:) Happy crafting:)
Share the Love Heart Swap:
We have received so many entries for our Share the Love Heart Swap, thank you all so much for taking part, we are very excited! Please, if you haven’t sent you name in and would still like to take part, feel free to leave a comment in this post and email me your name, address, blog link and email address to and Heidi and I will partner you up with someone for the swap. You can read about our swap here.
Happy Monday everyone:)