Archive | Magic Loop Technique

Knitting and Crochet Blog Week – Skill + 1 UP 2KCBWDAY2 – Magic Loop Technique, Crochet and my Knitting Machine

Thank you all so much to those who visited yesterday and left comments:) It has been wonderful visiting so many lovely blogs.
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Today is the second day of the annual Knitting and Crochet week:
29th March. Skill + 1UP:
 Look back over your last year of projects and compare where you are in terms of skill and knowledge of your craft to this time last year. Have you learned any new skills or forms of knitting/crochet (can you crochet cable stitches now where you didn’t even know such things existed last year? Have you recently put a foot in the tiled world of entrelac? Had you even picked up a pair of needles or crochet hook this time last year?
Since last year this time I have learned a few new skills that I love!
Firstly, I have learned the Magic Loop Technique, this completely revolutionised my knitting skills, I have continually used this method of knitting in many of my patterns that I have designed since then. I think that the first pattern I used it for was my Easter Egg pattern. It was so wonderful to be able to just knit something small in the round with no seams to sew up! This pattern has a brief introduction to the magic loop.
The second skill that I have learned after so many attempts is Crochet! How wonderful and rewarding it is to be able to now finally understand what all those crochet terms mean:) I have managed to crochet a hexagon and I will be making a blanket over the next year or so.

Lastly, I have learned how to work a knitting machine, it is really so easy to set up, my blanket has now doubled in size since the last photo and I will be adding another 2 skeins of yarn and then it will be finished. Erin has asked for this blanket to be a gift for her birthday next month:) I will crochet around the edge in a natural undyed Merino yarn to finish it off.

It really is such a wonderful gift to learn something new and I feel tremendous gratitude in my heart:)



Knitted Easter Egg Pattern Tutorial

Hi everyone, thanks so much for all your lovely comments in my previous post, you are all so kind and I really do appreciate all of you:) I have been putting this tutoiral together this afternoon while I was sitting at baseball watching my little ones play:) I have knitted these Easter eggs with a magic loop on circular needles.
The magic loop is really fantastic, I love knitting in the round this way, because no matter how few stitches you have on your needle, you can still knit with ease:) I have taken a few photos of how I knit with the magic loop, I hope they are easy to understand. Please just email me if anything is unclear and I will try to help:)
I thought I would explain the magic loop first and then write the pattern down for you… On your circular needle, cast on 9 stitches.
Slide the stitches around to the middle of the wire.
Pull the wire through and out and move the stitches towards the ends of your needles.

Pull the back needle through and keep your stitches on the end of the front needle.

Bring the back needle around and start knitting your stitches on the front needle.
Once you have knitted the front stitches move your needles around again and pull the back one out and through and move the stitches on to the end of your front needle. Don’t forget to keep that little loop on the side where we divided up the stitches, this must always be there.
Turn your work around, pulling the back needle through again and the front needle holds the stitches on the end of the needle and knit them again. Just keep going round like this in the round.
This is how it will look after a while, your work in the middle of the needles with a loop on the left and a  needle continuously coming through the back and knitting the stitches on the front needle.
I hope this is kind of clear, there are videos on You Tube which I think would help instead of my photos and explanations:) My wonderful friend Heidi shared this lovely technique with me, she is an amazing knitter!
You Tube Videos:
K has sent in a You Tube link for how to knit with the Magic Loop:  Thanks so much K:)
Here is a You Tube video link on how to change colours while knitting in the round.
And now for the pattern:
Knitted Easter Egg Pattern:
Cast on 9 stitches on circular needles and divide up as seen in the photo above to start knitting:)
Knit 1 round
Knit into the front and back of each stitch in next round increasing your stitches to 18.
Knit 1 round
Knit into front and back of each stitch in next round increasing your stitches to 36.
Knit 6 rounds
Change colour, knit 4 rounds,
Change colour, knit 4 rounds,
Change colour, knit 4 rounds,
Change colour
(Knit 5 stitches knit 2 together) continue this across the entire round and knit 1 stitch at the end of the round.
Knit 1 round.
(Knit 5 stitches, knit 2 together) continue this across the ertire round, knit 3 stitches on the end. 
Knit 1 round.
(Knit 5 stitches, knit 2 together) continue this across the round, knit 1 stitch on the end.
Knit 1 round.
(Knit 2 together) continue all across the round.
(Knit 2 together) continue all across the round, knit 1 on end.
Finishing off:
Break your thread and thread your yarn onto a wool needle and thread your stitches from your circular neeldes onto your wool needle and pull tight to close the opening. I normally fill the egg from this end and make sure the the wide base is firm and then fill the rest of the egg. Close both ends by threading tight in a circle with your thread and pulling tightly closed.
Roll your egg in your hands to get the required egg shape, and there you have an Easter Egg!
This photo is of a finished egg knitted in different colours.
I have also started adding knitted eggs to my shop.
Happy knitting, please only use this pattern for personal use:)
I would love to see your finished Easter eggs, if you would like to share your creations, please do share your link 🙂

Please note, this pattern is for personal use only, and not for resale, items knitted from this pattern may not be sold for commercial purposes, thank you.

Congratulations to Valarie for winning my Mamma4earth giveaway over at Garden Mama! I will send your Easter treasures off soon:)
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