Archive | knitted lavender flowers

WIP Wednesday and Yarn Along… Lavender Flowers…


I love Lavender, it’s one of my favourite flowers and has so many uses. There are many different varieties growing all over our garden. I add the essential oils to our homemade cleaners and also add a few drops to the vinegar that I add to soften our clothing in the washing machine. A few drops on a Lavender pillow will help you to fall asleep and can also soothe headaches…

The new Lavender we planted has been growing so well in our pot on our veranda, even a few tomatoes have started to sprout all on their own. I was inspired to knit up this Lavender flower yesterday and I have added the pattern to my flower ebook. I am so excited to share it with you. I have almost finished and will be sending the document off the the publishers next week. Then it should be available on Amazon, Barnes & Noble, the Apple store etc.. after just a few days.

Happy Yarn Along to you 🙂

Joining with Ginny’s Yarn Along

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