Archive | Homeschooling


The girls have been knitting themselves some long gloves for next winter, they have written their own patterns and had so much fun. I really do like how they have turned out, so pretty:)

Jenna has been working on her Revolutionaries and Romantics block,  this is a drawing she has done of Louis XIV.

I have been using these amazing books for her work, have you ever heard of The Story of the World?  Well I love it! So beautifully written and then wonderful activities from a workbook to support the learning material. There are four books in the set and well worth owning.

I was so pleased to see all these different colour blooms on this rose creeper…

I had to blog our Almond tree, we have never had an almond this size grow before, so Yay!

The Raspberry and Strawberry plants are all flowering…

Aaaah, this is our Pear tree and it has just finished flowering and it does look as if we will have pears this season:)


Broad beans, soon I will add them to stews…

And a rather large head of broccoli…

We have enjoyed so many meals from our four little asparagus plants… this all make me so happy…

If you would like to enter my 700th post giveaway, please leave a comment here.

Happy day to you


Lemon Circuit Battery, Grade 8

We have been busy with our 8th grade Waldorf Chemistry block. It has been such fun, we built a lemon circuit battery. It has been fascinating and I have learned so much! It’s amazing to think that with a few lemons, zinc, copper, wires, springs and an LED we could have power! Amazing!! If you would like to give it a try (oh you  must you simply must, it is awesome!!, No pressure… ahem:) visit here there is a step by step tutorial and a You Tube video. Oh yes, and if you are looking for wonderful Chemistry and Physics block work, I have been using Eric Fairman’s guide for grade 6 they are truly wonderful curriculum guides. 

Can you see the little LED light up (light emitting diode, see, I had no idea that this is what  LED represented, until now… I love homeschooling:)

This is the circuit Jen built completely on her own using coins instead of the copper strips…
Wishing you all an inspired day:)

Sending Love Heart Swap

There has been such a lovely response to the ‘Sending Love Heart Swap’, 68 people have joined, I have started emailing out the the swap partner emails:) If you would like to join, it isn’t too late, just go here and you can sign up:)


Hi everyone, I hope you are having a great day so far! It is a wonderfully warm here in South Africa today, we have finished with our schooling for this morning, Erin has just started The Middle Ages, Jen is busy with Biology and Caiden is finishing off the Norse Myths. I also went clothes shopping with Jen this morning which was great mom and daughter fun:)

Ahhh, I had to post a photo of this antique basket, I LOVE old baskets!! Whenever I see one for sale somewhere, I have to convince myself why I really don’t need it. (This doesn’t always work though, mind you). This particular one was given to me by my mom, she has had it since she was young, it is so beautiful and perfect for knitting projects. They fit in so neatly. I still need to make some fabric lining for it, but for now it just has a piece of calico for a liner.

I am so excited, I have been saying for months that I want to learn to crochet, I really like the look of it and it does seem to go quite fast once you get going. Well… finally today of all days, I sat down, crochet hook in hand and watched some tutorials here and off I went… I have been practicing the double crochet today and I love it! (Wow, who knew?)

So now for what is inside the basket……

This is what I have been doing for the last few hours, I am completely and utterly hooked, (excuse the pun!) I am making a cotton wash cloth! Yay. I really am enjoying the colour too. I bought this cotton here. I know this might seem like drastic over-excitement on my part for all those who crochet out there, but for me who has only ever knitted, this is Awesome! 🙂 I will start with these little cloths and then who knows….
Have you learned any new techniques lately? If you have, I would love to hear about them, feel free to leave a link:)
Some other great news is that I have finally finished my book proposal, it has taken me quite some time, but this week I sat down and finished it. Tomorrow it goes off to the printers to be printed and bound and then I will post it off to the publishers!
I am off to crochet, (I will have to get used to saying that…)
Take care:)


Grade 6 Waldorf Geometric Drawings

Today was our ‘official’ start to our homeschooling year after our December holidays. Jenna is busy with Physics, she studied all about colour today using a triangular prism to experience the rainbow spectrum of colour, the experiments were wonderful! (I will blog these this week) Caiden is busy with time and measurement and Erin began her Grade 6 Geometry Block, I have included some of Erin’s work.
Resource Books: Geometry
Nature, Number and Geometry by Live Education
A Wonderful Grade 6 Waldorf Geometry Video by Eugene Schwartz:
I am having a yarn giveaway (above photo) at the moment, if you would like to enter, just leave a comment here.
(I am looking to buy some of the Childcraft How and Why Library Books, I do have a few of them, if anyone is willing to part with theirs I would be so grateful if you would email me, I did manage to find some of them on Betterworld Books.)
Thanks so much:)
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