Archive | Gratitude

Gratitude Sunday

It is with great gratitude that I see our life…
While Erin and I were walking out in our garden this morning we found this lovely Patti Pan and Swiss Chard ready for picking… I am grateful for the happiness Erin felt within her heart when she moved back the great leaves from the vine and found this golden treasure… It makes me hopeful that someday she too will plant a garden with her family and marvel at the joy it will bring…

Gus sleeping and guarding our veggies we picked for lunch…


He’s a little jealous that Daisy has arrived… I think I should take my veggies now, yes?
Love and light to you all:)


Today, I Am Grateful…

Today, Richard my husband went off for a long mountain bike race in another town, a few hours later, I received a call from a hospital to tell me that he had a serious biking accident… He had fallen off of a bridge into a river and had hit his head on rocks on the riverbed… His helmet is cracked and dented. After x-rays and CAT scans, he is here home with us, he is wearing a neck brace and has a huge swelling on his head…

Life is fragile… I am humbled and and words cannot express how grateful I am that he is here with us and out of danger…


Gratitude Saturday…

We have had this leek flower in our kitchen for quite some time. Erin picked it over a week ago… 
Each time I catch a glimpse of  this bloom when I am moving through the kitchen, it captivates me, it seems to be more beautiful, radiant and dynamic in its changes each day. It seems to have amplified in size and the colours have become incredibly vibrant. I feel the colours deep in my heart, it is beautiful… This beauty makes me think of all the awe-inspiring aspects of our life, the colourful changes that we experience each day some sad but mostly happy and this leads me to an overwhelming sense of  gratitude …
I am grateful for my family, my husband, that I can stay at home and homeschool our children, that we are all healthy, that we can help others in need where we can and for this wonderful community where we all share our lives on our blogs and listen to each others story of their journey through this life… Thank you to all those who visit here…

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