Archive | Easter

What We Have Been Busy With…

The girls have both started knitting projects that involve knitting in the round on circular needles, I wish I had discovered circulars sooner than I did and now that I know how to use them, I love knitting with them, even if it is a straight, flat project, I still use my circulars…
The boys rediscovered the sand pit again this week, and now that the continuous rain has abated for a while, we have been having lovely days in the sun knitting and playing in the sand…
I’ve been posting off yarn this week too, thank you to all those who ordered Merino yarn:) Your parcels are all on their way across the ocean from sunny South Africa…
Journey Knitting,
This is what I have decided to call this knitting project. It has been inspired by Amanda who blogged about knitting up all your left over yarn into a blanket. I have named it journey knitting because I know that this project will take months for me to complete and that is just fine because the journey I will take while completing it will be an interesting one I am sure…  The finished item is going to be wonderfully soft and warm, but the process of knitting it is going to be lovely. I am knitting it on really long knitpick circular needles, I love these needles and just had to buy a set… They are pricy and I see them as an investment that I will use for the rest of my life, their joins are so smooth, aaahhh they are things of beauty:)
Does anyone have a journey knitting project that they are busy with at the moment, I would love to hear about it, link to it in a comment if you do and we can all see your knitting journey
Today I sat under the Oak trees in their shade and started knitting up these little easter chickens, they will soon be in the shop for Easter shopping:) They are knitted in the softest Mohair yarn… Today is also a slow, relaxed day, I had a molar removed yesterday and I am feeling really tender to say the least… The perfect opportunity to quietly sit and knit wouldn’t you say?
Soon to be in the shop…
Aah, when I saw the juxtaposition of colour here, I had to grab my camera, I just love the green from the Oak tree and the maroon from the Ornamental plum…

I will leave you with this last photo of a Crested Barbet, this is a female and she was flying around with her little one and stopped by for a snack from our bird feeder. Their colours are amazing…

Winner of the Giveaway:
In cast you missed the last post I edited, the winner of the Natural Suburbia giveaway was Heather congratulations Heather!
Thank you to everyone who entered the giveaway and thanks for all your wonderful comments. I will be having another giveaway next month too:)

Have a wonderful weekend,


Knitted Easter Nest or Basket Pattern

Hello dear friends, as promised here is the knitted Easter nest or basket pattern:)
Birds Nest Pattern:

I knitted this nest in a yarn that is slightly thicker than double knitting and I used a size 4 metric ( 6 US ) circular needle.

Cast on 40 stitches onto your circular needle and then join in the round making sure not to twist your yarn.

Knit in Moss stitch for 3 rounds.

Knit in garter stitch for 5 rounds.


*Knit 3, knit 2 together* repeat all around the round.

Knit 1 round garter stitch.

*Knit 2 knit 2 together* repeat all around the round.

Knit 1 round garter stitch.

*Knit 1 knit 2 together* repeat all around the round.

Knit 1 round garter stitch.

Knit 2 together all around the round.

Leave a long thread, break yarn and thread remaining stitches on a wool needle and pull them tight and sew in your ends on the wrong side 🙂

Knit the same pattern as for the nest. I took 6 lengths of yarn and plaited / braided them together and tied a knot at each end leaving a few dangling strands for tassels. I then threaded them through the sides of the basket, using a crochet hook to help pull the threads and knots through and there you have a basket!

Happy knitting, if anything is unclear, please don’t hesitate to email me


Please note, this pattern is for personal use only, and not for resale, items knitted from this pattern may not be sold for commercial purposes, thank you.


Saturday and Knitted Easter Nests…

We are having plenty of rain again today, but I am not complaining, I love rainy weather and when I looked out from the kitchen door and saw this wooden chair in the rain I had to take this photo…. with the rain drops dripping slowly off the wood… That is our vegetable garden down in the distance and all this rainy weather is creating such wonderful growth, love it!
Yes, we do have a swimming pool! But you have to admit that puddles are much more fun and then you can run between the puddles and the pool, that is even more fun! Oooh, and I forgot to add, while the rain is pouring down, makes this even better:)
I was standing in my garage when I took this photo today, it looks like we have our own lake right outside our house, all of this water will be soaked up in no time, but it was definately fun while it lasted…
Ok are you ready for this next photo?
This is my bedroom right now… we are busy rennovating it at the moment. So far we have repainted the walls, and we are busy with the floor. I can’t believe how much better the floor is looking, wow, I wish we had done this ages ago! We are almost finished though, everything is piled onto the bed and we will have to put everything back so that we can sleep there tonight:) I will blog the finished photos soon…

This is my little Easter birds nest pattern that I have been working on today, I will blog my free pattern soon for everyone to use 🙂 It is perfect for a little chicken or bird to sit inside or of course eggs. I have knitted the edging in a moss stitch for the rim and just knitted the rest all on a circular needles (I love circular needles, don’t you?)

If you would like the pattern sooner, just email me and I will send it to you 🙂  this nest will look so sweet on a nature table or in a little one’s Easter basket… I will also be adding these little knitted nests to my Etsy shop with little chickens and eggs in them for Easter.

Have a lovely Saturday dear friends…
Warmly Linda



Early Easter morning….

This is my Ashford Spinning wheel, I bought it last year and I am slowly learning to use it. It is lovely and old. I really need someone to show me how to spin I think I have found someone, so that is great news. The tiny amount of spun wool you can see is my attempt and I really enjoyed spinning it, but I have plenty to learn…

I decided to try and do a natural dye with marigolds, here is my pot of marigold flowers. Jenna and Erin ran outside and collected plenty of marigols flowers and we put them in the pot. Soon a lovely browney-golden colour emerged. Wow! My friend Carle’ is such an inspiration, she sells her own naturally dyed wool, this is her website and she inspired me to try to dye some wool, and I had fun.

These are the wonderful colours that resulted from the marigolds, the skein on the right is natural pure wool and the piece on the left is how the organic wool took on the colour. Can you believe the difference?
Have a wonderful week…

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