Archive | Cats

Our Sweet Kitties

Charlie Po


lala yawning



Just a few photos of our sweet cats, how different our life would be without them. They are such characters and are too adorable for words. Charlie’s the ginger and Delilah’s the tortoise-shell. They rule our house… I’m sure all cat owners will understand… 🙂

Do you have cats? What are they like?



Seriously Charlie?

Lightbox Charlie

This is Charlie.

This is Charlie relaxing in my very fragile light-box.

Whilst rushing around today looking for something, I noticed an orange blur out of the corner of my eye. Charlie had managed to somehow nimbly maneuver his bulk onto the top of this counter and make himself quite at home inside my make-shift light-box. I know this box isn’t much to look at but it actually works really well and I would like to, I don’t know, preserve it, I suppose?  I do think he looks rather sweet, perched inside the opening as if this was the most natural thing to do in the world. I did tell him numerous times how very inappropriate it was that he made a bed in this particular place but all he gave me in return was a yawn and then he closed his almond eyes and drifted off to sleep.

In conclusion… Charlie is still enjoying his comfy spot in the light-box and isn’t ready to give it up, well not today at least.

I love my cats, there’s never a boring moment…


Portrait Saturday

Portrait Saturday1

We are having a lovely Saturday afternoon, Jenna and Erin have just returned from a bike ride, Richard has lit the braai (barbecue) and we are playing an exciting game of Uno. If you haven’t played this card game before, I can seriously recommend it, such fun!!!

Both of our sweet cats, Charlie and Delilah, are not too well at the moment. Charlie was attacked by a stray cat a few days ago, it was a vicious attack. Yesterday he had a lengthy surgery. He is home now with over 25 stitches and has 2 drains in his back. The poor boy is very uncomfortable and angry. We have attached mesh fencing to our front gate to try and keep this cat out, I hope it works. Our little Delilah has cat ‘snuffles’ and will be better soon.

I hope you are having a wonderful weekend:)


PS If you would like to participate in Portrait Saturday, just leave your link in the comments:)



Photos taken by Jen.

Our hand reared doves have a new little family. We rescued the parents a while ago, we found the male first when he was still young and the female joined us a few months later. Such sweet little ones…

Our dear Delilah has doubled in size and is so sweet indeed, she follows us around the garden, running after us as we walk.

Also spying out Robin our Cockatiel, hmmm, we’ll have to watch this one:)

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