Creative Friday


When I went to feed our chickens and rabbits this morning I noticed our Hydrangeas were flowering, I had to pick a few, they make me so happy when I look at them. The full blooms and beautiful shades of pink contrasting with the green of the leaves….

What is your favourite flower?

Welcome to Creative Friday,

Please feel free to post your links to anything you have created and would like to share, it can be a recipe, sewing tutorial, knitting tutorial, felting, crochet, crafts, art, spinning, weaving, working with fibre, photography, poetry…etc…

I have added a Creative Friday button on the sidebar of my blog, please feel free to add it to your blog for Creative Friday and link it to so others can find this space and share their creativity too:)

1. I have started a Creative Friday Flickr Group where you can post your beautiful photos that you link to each Creative Friday. To join the group, please go here.

2. If you would be so kind as to link back to Natural Suburbia in your blog post that would be lovely or pin, share on Facebook and Twitter.

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7 Responses to Creative Friday

  1. Ginny November 7, 2014 at 12:10 pm #

    I like white and pink and hydrangeas, but really hate the blue ones that you sometimes get. Not sure why. I think gardeners add something to the soil that makes them turn blue.

    We went on holiday a few years ago to France, to Perros Guirec (the town of the hortensias – French for hydrangeas.) You would have loved it, as they had the Hortensia Festival.

    • Weltha Barrett November 7, 2014 at 10:10 pm #

      The more acidic the soil, the bluer they get! 😉

  2. Regula November 7, 2014 at 12:51 pm #

    They are beautiful! It has snowed in my parts of the word … 🙂

  3. Robbie November 7, 2014 at 5:08 pm #

    Lovely hydrangeas. We have put our to sleep for the winter…had our first frost last week. Thanks for posting yours. Pink hydrangeas are definitely a favorite of mine. Have a lovely weekend.

  4. Kristina and Millie November 8, 2014 at 2:35 am #

    Love the hydrangea! Hubby gave me a bush one year, I killed it 🙁 but I do love to look at them! Thanks for hosting us, enjoy your weekend!

  5. Karen Traversy November 9, 2014 at 9:42 pm #

    I saw a Christmas tree decorated solely with hydrangeas and it was so beautiful! I hared the linkup on social media.

  6. Janet R November 10, 2014 at 8:29 am #

    I’m crazy for hydrangeas too! And peach or pale pink roses (that smell good too!)… I love to check out what everyone’s doing on Creative Friday!

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