Jen was working on her English essays this afternoon and I was sitting with her, I looked out the window at the bird feeder and noticed a Weaver scouting around for food. I hadn’t filled the feeder for a while so I brought some seed and a few cut up apples and soon he was back eating happily. Then a huge Lourie arrived, it was quite funny watching him try to navigate his rather large body into a comfortable position on this tiny bird feeder. Eventually he was able to balance and then got stuck into the apple halves. I love putting out food and waiting to see who will swoop in and visit for a while. The other night, I was outside at dusk and an owl flew silently over, I feel so privileged and lucky to have seen him…
Happy weekend.

That is one beautiful bird. I’m fascinated by large birds in general, but am quite scared of them anywhere near up close (excepting with a window between us).
Wow! Some great shots and such a beautiful bird. Thank you very much for the showing. I love birds as well.
Thanks Joanne:)
What great photos! I will have to google a Lourie, as I have never heard of that bird before. We don’t have them on the west coast of Canada…. I love to see native birds from other lands. We have a few feeders in our garden too and l love to sit and watch to see who comes too! Cheers
Since I don’t live in South Africa, this bird is new to me, and fascinating. I couldn’t help but wonder what it would look like knitted…
Amazing photos of a gorgeous bird, very eye-catching and unique to my North American eyes. How tall is he ?~! Thanks so much for sharing these photos; your information is always interesting and I am a learner who loves your blog cuz you are such a god teacher.
Hi Lynda,
He is quite large, about 30cm from head to tail, perhaps a little longer:)