After the Rain…




Can you see the tiny Songbird in the bush above?
















A few days ago mother nature gifted us with beautiful rain! We have very cold, dry winters here in Gauteng (Johannesburg) not a drop of rain  for a few months. Somehow, our weather seems to be evolving and resulted in a small cloud burst. We woke up to thunder in the distance, I just adore lying in bed, listening to a storm. It rained solidly for a few hours and then stopped. I ran outside, camera in hand, to explore the beautiful fresh looking world, washed clean before my eyes…

We had a busy but lovely weekend spent with friends and family eating warm soup and homemade bread.

PS I’m having a giveaway on Nicole’s lovely blog Frontier Dreams. I’m offering a knitted pig called Petunia and 8 Mamma4earth knitting patterns, winners choice:)

Wishing you a wonderful start to your week dear friends.

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6 Responses to After the Rain…

  1. Joanne Thomas August 12, 2013 at 9:18 pm #

    Gorgeous pictures! Thank you for sharing them!

  2. Angela August 12, 2013 at 9:20 pm #

    Lovely pictures! So inspiring!

  3. Ariella August 12, 2013 at 10:01 pm #

    I enjoy looking at your pictures. Evry thing is so clean.

  4. Mary Anne Komar August 12, 2013 at 11:54 pm #

    Must wash my reading glasses, thought you said worm soup!! What a wonderful feeling when the rain washes everything, seems to add energy and renewal! Thanks for sharing these! Mary Anne

  5. Cath T August 13, 2013 at 5:26 am #

    I must admit, I never felt quite so enthusiastic about rain or thunderstorms, but your photos are gorgeous. We’ve had an unusually wet summer where I live (US). I should open my eyes to the wonder of nature more. It would be fun to know whose nests those are.

  6. Dawn August 13, 2013 at 6:32 am #

    These are lovely pictures. You have so many sweet animals living at your place. I like a good thunderstorm, and we just had one too!

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