An Ordinary Kind of Tuesday

NF Yarns

NF Yarn

NF Yarns2

NF Yarns3

I received a beautiful parcel from the post office today, yarn… I belong to the Luxury and Mystery Clubs from Nurturing Fibres and look what arrived! Amongst the blue yarns in the top photo is Yak. I have no idea what I’m going to knit with it but I love that it’s here.



Inquisitive chickens following me around while I take photos…


Our Aloes are in bloom…



So is Jenna’s birth Orchid, her birthday is on Sunday and as always this Orchid, which I received the day she was born is flowering.



Jen is in the middle of her grade 10 exams, it’s a very stressful time, she wrote English Paper 1 today and enjoyed it. If anyone is homeschooling their children through high-school, I would love to hear about the curriculum’s you are using and and how it’s going, even if you are finished homeschooling, I would love to hear about your experience. Our children write a grade 12 matric exam here in South Africa at the end of their school career and there’s a lot of work to cover, it’s all feeling daunting and scary right now…

Thank goodness my flu is almost gone but Cady and Kye are still a little under the weather.

Chat soon:)

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3 Responses to An Ordinary Kind of Tuesday

  1. Barbara Szatkiewicz June 4, 2013 at 10:06 pm #

    Oh my, I do love orchids. It is so special to have one that is the same age as your precious daughter. The yarn is beautiful……all full of lovely possibilities. Hugs!

  2. no spring chicken June 4, 2013 at 11:32 pm #

    Hmm. A yarn mystery club? Sounds intriguing. Looks like some beautiful inspiration, as are the orchids. Wow.

    Blessings, Debbie

  3. jezz June 5, 2013 at 1:54 am #

    What a beautiful orchid, and Happy Birthday (early) Jenna! Hope everyone in your family is on the mend soon.

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