The Erin Hat

It has warmed up so nicely here in Johannesburg for now, we are aware that a freezing cold front will be arriving over the weekend and our temperatures are going to plummet once again. But for now I am so grateful for the warm sun… We are still battling with illness, Jen has tonsillitis, Kye a cold and Cady seems to be over his tummy bug. Sometimes when the whole family is sick like this, it feels like you are travelling a long road, uphill with no beautiful sunset on the horizon… I am really hoping this bug leaves our home soon… I feel tired…

Last night Richard and I sat working at the computer preparing the document for my Knitting Flowers e-book. We finished editing, my hubby is so clever at formatting, I am very grateful he has been able to help so much with the preparation of the Word file for e-book conversion. We eventually sent it off at about 10:30 pm last night. It was so exciting to see the file upload to the publishers website!! I couldn’t believe how much emotion I was feeling! Such happiness, to have finished writing and then sending it off. I must say a special THANK YOU to Kristen, you have been so wonderful, helping me with all my questions about e-book covers, file sizes, formatting etc… You are such a great and lovely friend, I am blessed to know you! I am sure many of you already know Kristen, she is an amazing writer and the kindest person I know…

The e-book should be available for purchase from Amazon within 2 weeks, it will also be distributed through the iBookStore, Barnes & Noble, Sony, Gardeners, Baker & Taylor and Copia. I will keep you updated though.

I have designed a new hat pattern that I would like to share here with you today, Erin has been my test knitter, so we have called it The Erin Hat. It has been knitted with a 2 ply hand spun Angora and Merino yarn that I bought from Nurturing Fibres. This yarn is SO exceptionally soft, REALLY! It is just amazing! Thank you dear Carle’ we both love it so much.

Here is the pattern if you would like to give it a try:

100 grams of hand spun 2 ply Merino and Angora yarn. (This yarn isn’t quite a chunky weight, when I look at the ply is looks like 2 double knitting yarns plied together, perhaps just slightly thinner, if that gives you a better idea of the thickness so you can substitute). Just check the hat on your head for size though while you are knitting. The handspun is 9-10 wraps per inch.
5.5 mm circular needles for knitting in the Magic Loop technique
Sewing up needle

Cast on 60 stitches and join for knitting in the round with Magic Loop technique.
Rounds 1-4: Knit in rib, (knit 2 stitches, purl 2 stitches across the round)
Rounds 5-7: (Knit 3, purl 3) across the rounds
Rounds 8-10: (Purl 3, knit 3) across the rounds
Alternate rounds 5-7 and rounds 8-10 another four times (R 5-7, R 8-10, R5-7, R 8-10, R 5-7, R 8-10, R 5-7, R 8-10) Altogether you will have 10 pattern sections of three rounds each, the pattern sections excluding the rib will be 30 rounds.

Round 35: You will just be knitting plain now, (knit stitch) and decrease 5 stitches evenly around the round. (55 stitches)
Rounds 36-39: Knit
Round 40: Decrease 5 stitches evenly across the round. (50 stitches)
Round 41-43: Knit
Round 44: Cast off 10 stitches evenly across the round (40 stitches)
Rounds 45-46: Knit
Round 47: Cast off 10 stitches evenly across the round (30 stitches)
Rounds 48-49: Knit
Round 50: Cast off 10 stitches evenly across the round (20 stitches)
Round 51: Knit
Round 52: Cast off 10 stitches evenly across the round (10 stitches)
Break yarn, thread onto a wool needle and thread through stitches, pull tight and finish off.

I have added the pattern to Ravelry so you can link your projects there if you like:)

Happy Knitting!

I have really been enjoying reading Wuthering Heights and then I’m going to read and re-read some of the Jane Austen books. Many of them I read when I was at school and now I feel it’s time to revisit them again… Which was your favourite Jane Austen book?

I am joining in with Ginny’s Yarn Along today.

Happy day to you!

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15 Responses to The Erin Hat

  1. Tracey June 20, 2012 at 3:09 pm #

    Linda, I hope everyone in your home is healthy soon, it is so hard on a mom
    when our babies are sick isn’t it?
    I am so excited about your book, congratulations! I know how hard you have worked on it and you must be over the moon.
    Since I have an Erin here too, my only daughter, I think it is only fitting to knit her an Erin hat, thank you once again for sharing a lovely pattern.

    • Linda June 21, 2012 at 12:29 pm #

      Thank you so much Tracey, I really appreciate your well wishes and your kind words, happy knitting.

  2. Heather aka Proud Mama June 20, 2012 at 3:21 pm #

    Congratulations on the book hitting the net. So exciting! That yarn has such a beautiful halo. So pretty. Hope everyone improves soon. Being sick is no fun.

    • Linda June 21, 2012 at 12:30 pm #

      Thank you very much Heather 🙂

  3. Plain and Joyful Living June 20, 2012 at 3:30 pm #

    Congratulations Linda! How wonderful that your husband worked on the technical end with you – also thank you for sharing the hat pattern. I am knitting hats right now as well.
    Praying for you all to better health soon!

  4. Andria June 20, 2012 at 7:58 pm #

    Lovely hat, the yarn is so beautiful. Congrats on the book, that is exciting!

  5. EMMA June 20, 2012 at 8:23 pm #

    Lovely hat! those colours are just perfect on your daughter, she looks so pretty! Thank you for sharing the pattern.
    I think my favorite Jane Austin is Pride and Prejudice.

  6. Leslie June 20, 2012 at 9:11 pm #

    such soft colors.thanks for the pattern.
    My favorites: Pride and Prejudice and Emma

  7. Gracey is not my name.... June 20, 2012 at 9:28 pm #

    The hat looks like a rainbow on her head…and because we are opposite, our weather is heating up…today is in the 90’s, so I guess that’s in the 30’s for you….

    We didn’t have to read Austen in school, but I discovered her through the BBC Pride and Prejudice with Colin Firth (sigh..Colin Firth!) and I’ve read most now…my favorite is actually Persuasion….

  8. Christine June 21, 2012 at 1:31 am #

    Such a pretty hat with a soft halo..a lovely rainbow to keep her head warm.

    Congratulations on the e-book! Computer savvy hubbies are the best 😉

    My favourite is Pride and Prejudice. I’m also quite excited that our local theatre group is putting on Wuthering Heights for their next performance in August!

    Hope you’re all feeling better soon. x

  9. Emma June 21, 2012 at 6:30 am #

    I am looking forward to see your book, congratulations! I am very impressed with anyone who can do much apart from homeshooling 🙂 The weather looks so perfect over there, just before the cold sets in again… I love seeing the snippets here, the bark of the tree, the quality of the light. Beautiful. I hope everyone feels better soon!

  10. Hawthorn June 21, 2012 at 2:25 pm #

    Sorry you’ve not been well, hang in there, you’ll soon feel back to normal. That hat is gorgeous – especially the colours you have used – beautiful hat model too!

  11. Lori ann June 21, 2012 at 11:17 pm #

    oh my! that is so exciting! your book is almost out! i can only imagine how you feel, it’s wonderful linda. you are such a talent and putting it out there in a book form is just so fantastic, i bet your whole family is very proud of you.
    erin is beautiful and so is the hat you made her, thank you for sharing the pattern. i hope everyone is back to new soon!
    xxx lori

  12. Erin @ Wild Whispers June 28, 2012 at 4:35 pm #

    Found you through Ginny… My name is Erin! I will HAVE to make this hat, don’t you think! Great pattern… I can’t wait to knit it!

  13. K July 12, 2012 at 4:34 am #

    The Erin hat is beautiful. As is Erin, of course. The Bronte sisters were a little dark for me. But Austin is, as always, pretty satisfying. I’ve read a number of her things, but I’m pretty sure I will always love Pride and Prejudice best of all.

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