This little flower pot used to be filled with spinach and various bulbs, I thought a change would be nice so we planted the pot with two different varieties of lavender, I think Charlie approves… (Photo taken with Instagram)
Now for some early morning baking with Kye…
I just used a simple butter biscuit recipe and we made 1 kg of dough into plenty of little shapes. I decided to bake in bulk and freeze into rolls whatever was left, but we baked it all. I have plenty for our family and have given some away as gifts already… I love to eat a biscuit with my tea don’t you?
That onion dye bath dyed up quite a few skeins of wool, this is the last one drying, it is a super wash Merino and I am going to knit a cowl with it.
Can you spot the colour variations, the skein on the right was done in an exhaust onion bath, that’s why it’s so light, I am really happy with the colour.
I knitted up Henry the Camel over the weekend, thank you all so much for the name suggestions. We have called him Henry because when Richard was travelling through Egypt quite a few years ago, he bought a beautiful wooden, carved camel and named him’Henry’. This time spent overseas was a special time in his life and I wanted to honour that, so ‘Henry’ he is.
Henry will also be available in the E-Book, ‘Knitted Animals from Africa’ that will be published soon. Just a hippo and I think a snake to go and please I am open to suggestions, if there is an African animal you would like to see in the book, please post your suggestions in the comments for me:)
Enjoy your week!
PS If you haven’t entered the wonderful Armadillo Dreams giveaway yet, it is still open.

Oh, Henry is SO cute, Linda! What a perfect little hump he has. Your baking is making me hungry and I do love the colours the exhaust bath has produced. You have inspired me – I am saving all of my onion skins now in a brown paper bag..hopefully soon there will be enough to play with. 😉
The cat looks very happy! I’m envying you the sunshine, the light is lovely in those pictures, I haven’t seen the sun for weeks.
It looks like y’all have been having a lot of fun in your home. I love seeing the yarns you dyed an you have me so excited to try it here!
hi linda
your bisquit looks delicious. i love baking, too.the wool have a wonderful colour.
wish you a wonderful week,
love regina
dear linda,
yummy baking and yarn dying, they both look wonderful. i love henry, he’s really cute. i saw a camel as far south as kenya, i wonder if we’ll see any in namibia. maybe you could make a zebra? or the super cute dassie (rock hyrax)! see you in a few weeks my friend!
xxx lori
Looks like a great day!
Will you have a lion in your new book? If so, I’ll have to buy it :).
There will be a lion in the book Carmen:)
Henry is entirely FABULOUS. And he stands up! (no crafted camel of mine will ever stand up)…
Thanks Tania, it’s lovely to hear from you!
OOOOoooooo, those biscuits look delicious. I am waiting on hooks and needles for your African Animal E-book. CAN’T WAIT!!!!! The only other animal I can think of, a Water Buffalo. Are there Tarantula’s in Africa?
Thanks so much Barb! A water buffalo is a great idea! I’ll have to check on the Tarantulas.
I love your knitted animals they are gorgeous!
You have been busy! Lovely.
Love it, love it! Looking forward to the e-book!
I’m not that familiar with specifically African animals, but I thought of a Zebra right away – but the horse would work with a yarn change . . . a gazelle came to mind, too. Of course a leopard or tiger would be wonderful, too! But who besides you is that talented to knit it?! 🙂
Charlie and his lavender pot, what a gorgeous scene. Your biccies look yummy as do those skeins of chunky wool:)
Beautiful Camel Linda, you come up with new patterns so quickly! I would love to see a Hyena and Gnu (wildebeast),and I think two really cute ones would be the Sengi or Elephant Shrew and the Dik Dik, there are so many beautiful African animals!
Thank you Daniella,
Thanks so much for the animal suggestions, there will be a Wildebeest and the Elephant Shrewl pattern has already been designed:)These little Shrews are so sweet and move around so fast.
That’s awesome Linda, I’m sure your book is going to be really wonderful, looking forward to it!
Your camel came out adorable!
I really like your pot. The variation in the onion skin is amazing you get such different colors. Are you going to use all the variations on the cowl?
With All That I Am
Carrie “The Handmade Homemaker”
Thanks Carrie!
I am going to use most of the variations in the cowl.
Such beautiful, warm pictures! I can’t wait to see your Animal e-book!
Thank you dear Sarah:)
Curious about a butter biscuit. I don’t think we have them in the States. Is it like a scone? Sweet? They look yummy. I have also been inspired and have a bag if onion skins I’m collecting. Now to actually use them. I’d live to hear more about your actual process
Your little camel is so sweet!!! My KCCO post is here:
That pot looks perfect for a FAIRY GARDEN. What fairy wouldn’t like to live amongst the lavender? With a few knitted ladybugs and snails, perhaps, a small knitted house?
I just read this out loud to G – bragging about the way you have packed so much quality into your life. I think about the women I know who spend their days watching daytime television or shopping – and I wonder how they can do it? Like living on packaged sweets from the store. Your children are at once spoiled (because they will find that most of the world lacks the energy, industry, joy in creation, drive and love they are used to seeing every day) and blessed. I’m glad I was not close enough to receive biscuit gifts because I’m certain I would have eaten them all up at once and lost my girlish figure.