I love that I can go outside and collect eggs from our chicken coop each day… I really need an apron for this, but a shirt works just as well… Each egg has its very own colour, shape and texture. I am so grateful for these precious gifts from our chickens…

I know what you mean. I love collecting the eggs and admiring the art of their shells.
W-S Wanderings,
Aren’t their shells just beautiful? Thank you so much for visiting:)
The city of Sacramento just passed an ordinance allowing us to keep chickens. We are researching coops now.
I too want to have laying hens someday. Your blog inspires me; thanks.
Beautiful photo and YES I too am grateful for the gift of fresh eggs from my chooks
We’ve only had our chickens for a few months, but I am finding them very rewarding. I get such a sense of peace and satisfaction tending to them and collecting their eggs. If only all the animals who lived here contributed as much!
Gorgeous eggs. My ladies haven’t started laying yet. I can’t wait!
Great photo. Such lovely colors. I use the pocket of my hoodie for collecting. Just perfect.
I love collecting the eggs too. I’m waiting for the Guinea Fowl to start laying….their eggs are the greatest shape 🙂
Collecting eggs is a magical thing. A little like digging up potatoes, but far cleaner. I get to do it every so often for Jeri, my friend across the street. She has everything from plain old hens to Amercuna – so the eggs are white, brown, green and blue. Very exciting, I will tell you. I love the range of brown you get with the right hens. Especially the speckled ones.