Lemon Circuit Battery, Grade 8

We have been busy with our 8th grade Waldorf Chemistry block. It has been such fun, we built a lemon circuit battery. It has been fascinating and I have learned so much! It’s amazing to think that with a few lemons, zinc, copper, wires, springs and an LED we could have power! Amazing!! If you would like to give it a try (oh you  must you simply must, it is awesome!!, No pressure… ahem:) visit here there is a step by step tutorial and a You Tube video. Oh yes, and if you are looking for wonderful Chemistry and Physics block work, I have been using Eric Fairman’s guide for grade 6 they are truly wonderful curriculum guides. 

Can you see the little LED light up (light emitting diode, see, I had no idea that this is what  LED represented, until now… I love homeschooling:)

This is the circuit Jen built completely on her own using coins instead of the copper strips…
Wishing you all an inspired day:)

Sending Love Heart Swap

There has been such a lovely response to the ‘Sending Love Heart Swap’, 68 people have joined, I have started emailing out the the swap partner emails:) If you would like to join, it isn’t too late, just go here and you can sign up:)
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4 Responses to Lemon Circuit Battery, Grade 8

  1. K August 1, 2011 at 6:22 pm #

    I think Max would LOVE this. I’m going to chase down that link and when we go out there in September, maybe Max and I will do this magic. There is so much more magic in the world than we know – and from such simple places. I do have to admit that it would take a LOT of lemons to run this computer for five minutes – lol. And hurray for Jen, going at it from her own angle.

    That’s something I loved about home schooling, too – the things I learned along the way – or re-learned, having forgotten them in the course of a life. I did it for my children, of course, but in the meantime, added meaning and depth to my own life. There are few better deals –

  2. Linda August 1, 2011 at 7:44 pm #

    Hi Kristen,
    It really is a fun learning experience:) Thanks so much for visiting and leaving a comment.

  3. CIEL August 2, 2011 at 1:23 pm #

    My son, 8yo, would definitely love this project!

  4. regina August 3, 2011 at 5:26 am #

    in school i loooooved the electricity experiments- the potato clock, the citrus batteries etc. i wonder if it is possible to make a flowering potato clock- a potato work of art really…hmmmm methinks i shall start tinkering with the kids…..

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