We have really been enjoying a great amount of outside handwork lately, Erin has been working on her crochet blanket and Jenna has started knitting a pair of rainbow socks, she is very happy as the pattern is for a flat pair knitted on two needles. The colours are really knitting up beautifully:) Today, while sitting on our quilt outside, both of my girls thanked me for homeschooling them, saying how much they enjoyed learning at home and for teaching them how to knit and crochet… Well… as you can imagine, my heart almost burst! I feel so very blessed that we are on this path, I am filled with such gratitude… when we started homeschooling, we were quite daunted by the idea, but now I know that we are on the journey that was meant for us…
Such an amazing book for knitting, dyeing…
This is my work basket, I bought it at Beaver Creek Farm, a coffee plantation, last year when we visited the coast, I love it, it’s so compact and small but huge inside, if that makes any sense.
While we were outside today Erin put some Merino roving in our Fever tree for the birds…. well within minutes the sparrows had descended and were all taking little pieces of roving for their nests… This was truly magical to watch…
Not the greatest photo I know but I really had to take it in a hurry, these are really fast little birds.
Aaaah but when we looked up later, there in the Sparrow nest, was a cloud of white fleece, this made our hearts burst with joy!
A lovely post that makes me smile :0)
What a lucky girls you have. I’m sure one day they will give you the ‘best mommy award’!!
Love, Yvonne
what a lovely day! it truly is a gift to be home with our kids! and what a special treat to watch the sparrows build their nest!
I scanned quickly through this as my girls were clamouring (as always)…then my eyes went wide. How wonderful to have captured this moment of animals sharing with humans (sheep to you!) then humans sharing with animals again…beautifully cyclical! And I LOVE that basket!
what a magnificent thing for your children to tell you! my heart bursts as well, in hopes that my girls will feel the same way!
I have got to get on the stick and do a better job homeschooling my guy. All of the others are in school and he is home alone with me. I am very borrrrring. You inspire me!
You write about such beautiful moments. What a wonderful gift, to hear such sweet words from your daughters. 🙂
Your daughter’s words must have brought you such joy. Wonderful to read about the sparrows using the roving for their nests.
Nice work basket!
Just love the image of the quilt on the lawn with handwork being spread across. How wonderful that your daughter joins in with you.
Warm wishes,
What a gorgeous post Linda! Love that the birds took the roving, how cute.
What a wonderful day, sounds almost perfect! How gratifying for you that the girls have taken up your crafts. We don’t do what we do to be praised, but a thank you every now and then fills our hearts with joy!
Wow your daughters are very talented. Most adults cannot knit or crochet that well if at all. Love the basket and the little critters popping out. I can’t wait for spring to come here so I can put out some rainbow roving for the birds!
Love it…ahhhh…it is good to home school isn’t it. I enjoy my children so much. How our day can take a turn when a pair of Hawks choose us to be neighbors. Or when something special comes to town we can go during the week and have the place to ourselves and not have to fight a crowd.
Linda – I love that basket…and the life you have created for your family.
We too are fascinated by the birds.
Namaste, Nicole
What a lovely job they are both doing! Congratulations!
PS…I home schooled my 4 children too 🙂
How lovely that your daughters are knitting / crocheting and feel such appreciation for you teaching them, a proud moment !
lol.. the sparrow and fiber.. too cute !! 😀
I am so loving all these outdoor crafting photos!
What a wonderful afternoon and how lovely that you can share those moments with your daughters as you craft together 🙂 My daughter has just reached this stage and it makes my heart sing to watch her knit and stitch little things together 🙂
Sounds like a wonderful day. The rainbow socks are fantastic, I have the twisted sister’s sock workbook too and have used it a lot, especially for dyeing
My heart is singing for you – your daughters are so talented look at their beautiful work I have little doubt why they are so grateful for you. What a glorious day. Such a big nest for such little birds!
The Twisted Sister Sock book is one of my all time favorites, you’ve got some great projects going over in your neighborhood!
Having a 1 year old boy and a 3 year old boy, being able to sit together and craft independently sounds like a dream! Hopefully it will come true for me someday. I need to have a daughter!
Knitted socks and crochet blanket! They have definitely got their Mommy’s talent!
You will remember that time forever, sitting crafting together and being given the gift of a thank you.
Thank you for sharing your special moment with us, especially those of us with little ones who can’t wait to to be able to sit and craft in the garden 🙂 it gives us something to aim for.
You can just feel it, can’t you? The pull of educating your own children. The rightness of keeping them home and teaching them with grace and peace – allowing them to develop into the people they are, with no pressure from the outside to dictate to them or disapprove of them or shame them out of their uniqueness. It spoke to me so clearly. And it was so worth every minute of those twenty five years of my life – what on earth would I have done with them otherwise that would have left me feeling, at the end of the day, that my life had meaning, that my mind and talents and spirit had been exercised past what I might have thought were my limits? And what better product at the end that children turned into friends you can respect and trust and enjoy more deeply than anybody else in the world?
How lovely that they thanked you.
I loved seeing the ladybug in the basket…I hope its mine!, well actually my daughters…I love to see your girls knitting, I have tried to teach mine but we have moved on to pottery. Love the birds nest also!
Dear Cheryl,
It is your ladybug:) She should reach you soon:)
xo xo