Our Lovely Lake

Just a few turns of the road from where we live is this beautiful bird sanctuary. It is such a wonderful area to go for a walk. There are so many different varieties of local birds that live and migrate to and from here each year. It has also been a venu for amazing learning experiences for our children, looking up birds in our bird guide and discovering how they build their nests, what they eat and studying their behaviour.

In the foreground of the photo you will notice Egyptian Geese and a little further in, a white Spoonbill, the black birds in the distance are called Coots. The Coots are so sweet as they build their nests right on the water and lay down sticks on the floor of the lake until they reach the surface, where they make a platform to lay their eggs and raise their young.

Jen, Erin and Kye playing on a tree stump… 


Discovering seeds…

This was such an amazing sight, this Grey Heron, flew in with a bullfrog in his beak for a snack…

A Coot on her nest of reeds on the water…

Hadeda Ibis and a Grey Heron sitting on the branches overlooking their sancturay…

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7 Responses to Our Lovely Lake

  1. K November 9, 2010 at 6:19 pm #

    We are fortunate to live along a river – so we find bald eagles, herons, Ibis, ducks, egrets – along with grosbeaks, orials, ruby crowned kinglets, red winged blackbirds, western tanagers, warblers = and many others in our back yard, or behind it. Sometimes even in the pasture. It’s so much fun to see the diversity of creation!

  2. Val November 9, 2010 at 9:29 pm #

    Beautiful pictures ! :0)

  3. The Handmaden November 9, 2010 at 10:50 pm #

    Beautiful pictures and such a blessing to have this natural beauty so close to your home.

  4. Wendy November 10, 2010 at 1:06 am #

    Magnificent pictures… Thank you!

  5. goldenbird November 10, 2010 at 5:16 am #

    How wonderful to live so close to a bird sanctuary. You and your family are so fortunate. Love your pictures (as usual).

  6. earthboysblog November 11, 2010 at 11:03 pm #

    Linda, Amazing South African wildlife, at beautiful place to be outdoors with the children. I love your little gingerbread man and stocking. I just finished the little blue bird but knitted it in Pink. You can see the little acorn on my blog.

  7. Rachel November 23, 2010 at 7:02 am #

    Oh wow!! Such a treasure to have close by. I take my kids to the river often. I am grateful we have the lake and the river close by. Especially for the kids’ sake. Aw heck! Who am I kidding? It’s for my sake too. 😀

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