Our Tomato Harvest

We have been picking the most delicious tomatoes for the last few weeks and there are just so many of them, that I decided to make a wonderful tomato relish that I found on Soule Mama’s blog. I have made quite a few batches and packed them away into my freezer. All I need to do now when making a pasta is take a portion from the freezer and it’s all ready to use.

It really is a delicious relish, if you would like the recipe, just pop over to Soule Mama’s blog:

and it is all there for you to read.

Have a great week….

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3 Responses to Our Tomato Harvest

  1. Erin January 27, 2009 at 2:24 pm #

    What a delicious picture! I adore that basket. Gonna go check out that recipe.

  2. suzanne January 27, 2009 at 6:39 pm #

    woooo…those are beautiful Linds. Time to start planting for Winter now. I am freezing any excess pumpkins. Thelly said they freeze well. Will have a nice pumpkin soup evening soon…


  3. Linda January 29, 2009 at 12:28 pm #

    Thanks Erin, I am a collecter of old baskets….

    Looking forward to the pumpkin soup evening Suez…..

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