Tag Archives | Recovery Blanket

Creative Friday

Recovery Blanket

Recovery Blanket1

I have been working on the Recovery Blanket again this past weekend and just love the process of sewing together all these beautiful rectangles. I can feel the love and caring that went into each piece as I pick them up and start sewing. To think that many of these rectangles were knitted by knitters from all over the world is so heartwarming. I am very humbled by all the kindness that went into this project and I thank you:) I try to sew a row at a time and hope to finish in the next 2 weeks. I will then give the blanket to my dear mom in memory of my dad.

Wishing you a weekend filled with goodness and peace.

Welcome to Creative Friday,

Please feel free to post your links to anything you have created and would like to share, it can be a recipe, sewing tutorial, knitting tutorial, felting, crochet, crafts, art, spinning, weaving, working with fibre, photography, poetry…etc…

I have added a Creative Friday button on the sidebar of my blog, please feel free to add it to your blog for Creative Friday and link it to http://www.naturalsuburbia.com/ so others can find this space and share their creativity too:)

1. I have started a Creative Friday Flickr Group where you can post your beautiful photos that you link to each Creative Friday. To join the group, please go here.

2. If you would be so kind as to link back to Natural Suburbia in your blog post that would be lovely:)



I’ve Got Mail!

I have email again!

After a week of very limited email, I installed Outlook on my computer today and imported my contacts and all my folders and messages from the old mail programme that crashed. I am so grateful that I was able to do this easily after thinking all was lost!

I am very excited to share the latest rectangles with you that have arrived from overseas. Thank you all so much, it was such a wonderful surprise to collect all the parcels from the post office on Friday. We are going to start sewing the blanket together now, piece by piece. Thank you to a lovely friend Anna for gifting us with a copy of her most recent publication, I am sure my little ones will enjoy reading it.

We have been having a profound amount of rain here, sometimes two or three thunderstorms a day. Our garden is flourishing, I have never seen it so full of growth and beauty. These flowers have sprouted and I have no idea what they are but they are so pretty and multiply continuously.


Our new granadilla vine has started producing fruit as well, we can’t wait for these to ripen.

I love this crochet flower, it was a birthday gift sent to me from dear Jenni, I have it on my car keys and it makes me happy each time I see it, such lovely handmade goodness, thank you:)

PS Thank you all so much for your wonderful comments in the last post about my shawl. When I was still in the planning stages, I wasn’t too sure about the colours, I am not much of an extrovert and tend to shy away from anything bright or bold. Knitting in these colours definitely moved me past my comfort zone and I am so happy I tried something new because I really love how it turned out! xo


Knitted Treasures in the Post and Home Maintenance

This is the wooden floor in our school room, it has been perfect up until now and then, last week, it collapsed along the one side. Sadly the reason for this catastrophe is damp. Our builder friends came round to have a look and we all just stood looking at the sagging floor, not knowing how to correct this unbudgeted expense. The options were to remove the entire floor, fill it with concrete and tile or break the floor closest to the wall and attempt to correct where it had given way.

Today was a new day and thankfully they were able to break through the wall underneath the floor from outside, remove the cross beams that were rotting and replace them with new, damp sealed beams. You have no idea how relieved we are. What we thought was going to be a massive undertaking at a huge expense is going to be a fairly simple procedure to remedy! Our builder friends will return tomorrow to replace the damaged pieces and close all the gaps. (Phew, now I can breathe….)

We have had to pack all our school books into spare cupboards to protect them from dust and our dining room has been converted into a learning room for the next 2 weeks while the floor is repaired.

On a more exciting note, I visited the post office today, when I opened my mail box it was choc a block full of post from all over. These are parcels from the amazing people who have knitted squares for the Recovery Blcnket that we will be giving to my mom. I just sat in the car and cried as I opened each envelope, thinking how kind people are in this blogging and Ravelry world. To make a knitted treasure for someone they have never even met and post it off with such love in their hearts. Oh my goodness, I am so humbled by these very generous acts of kindness, I thank you with all my heart:)

Thank you Donna for your beautiful felt piece, we are going to place it in the centre of the blanket and build around it with the knitted squares, it is so beautiful! Unfortunatley this lovely beige square didn’t have a name on the envelope so I don’t know who to thank, if it is yours, please let me know:)  The two squares at the top of the photo are from Christine (Australia), such lovely soft wool indeed, the lovely bright green and turquoise squares are from Kate, thank you so much for your beautiful note:)

The gorgeous pearl square at the bottom left is from Ginny (London), the blue and grey squares in the middle at the bottom are from Carol (South Africa), such soft wool, the mauve square to the right of those is from Clare (South Africa). The wonderful heart and beige squares at the top right are from Nel (Netherlands) next to those on the left on the orange paper are lovely fueshia coloured squares from Camille (USA) (the tea is amazing, thank you) and the squares on the bottom right are from Jeanette (Tasmania) How can I say thank you enough to all of you, my heart is so grateful and happy so Thank You all so much!!!


What a wonderful day, the wooden floor is looking a lot more healthy and my heart is filled with gratitude for all the people who sent hand written letters, gifts and these beautiful squares. I know a few more are still on their way and I will post them here when they arrive.


Knitting and more Knitting, I Love it So!

Just thought I would share a photo of the Recovery Blanket so far. It’s vibrant and very pretty, my mom,  my sister, my niece, my daughters and I  have mixed the heart pattern with the vintage diamond pattern. You can read more about the Recovery Blanket here. I love all the colours, we have started adding variegated pieces too. As soon as more pieces arrive from all over, we will add them in amongst the others.

It’s so exciting, the knitted pieces from overseas and SA have started to arrive! I need to go and fetch more from the post office. I am so grateful to everyone who sent and are still knitting and sending squares for this special blanket, thank you! There squares above are from Carle’, Sally, Emma, Melainey and Rene’, you are so wonderful and thank you for the extra little goodies you sent as well, I am truly blessed to know you all xo

My Color Affection Shawl is growing in size, I love the softness of this merino and alpaca hand-spun below mixed with the soft green of the brushed kid mohair, I can’t wait to wear it soon.

Some other exciting news is that my animal knitting patterns have been featured in the Ideas Magazine, it is available here locally in South Africa, overseas and digitally on i-Pad. I have found a lovely digitial news stand where I can download magazines to read on my i-Pad, it’s called Zinio. I’m so happy about this because now I can store them in my i-Pad library and not accumulate magazines all around our home.

Joining with Ginny today.

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