Tag Archives | gopro camera








Thank you so much for writing all those wonderful emails and Ravelry messages about my Willa Whale pattern! I feel so blessed to be able to connect with such lovely knitters from all over the world! Willa Whale’s   pattern was downloaded for free by 546 people over that last two days before the coupon code expired and I am overjoyed that she is so loved. Her pattern is still trending at no.1 on Ravelry, I have never had a pattern trend at no.1 before and each time I check and still see her there my heart skips a beat with utter glee!! Thank you all so much!

We had a tremendous rain storm here last night and this morning our garden looked so fresh and inviting, I wanted to capture the raindrops on the lemons and the Autumn leaves on the ground…

Richard returned back from his Sani 2 Sea challenge on Friday and recorded quite a lot of video footage from the race, it was beautiful! The scenery was spectacular! As he was downloading the videos from the camera, it seized and now when we look at the SD card, it has no video files on it!! I have been trying to recover these files for him since yesterday. There is so much software out there claiming to recover lost files and it does not work. He is quite devastated about it. Please, if you know anything about recovering video files on an SD card I would love to hear from you!! He was using a GoPro camera.

Have a lovely Sunday

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