Tag Archives | Garden

Saturday 24/02

Hello!! How can it be February already?? Life has become extremely busy, both of our girls are studying at Chiropractic at university and the boys are getting older too! Caid is in his second last year of high school and Kye will be starting high school in a couple of years.

Here’s some news from our side of the world πŸ™‚

Delilah drinking water just outside the front door, this is one of her favourite spots to quench her thirst.

Hard to believe this boy is now 12 years old! He’s enjoying learning about animation on Blender and has even started his own YouTube channel!

This is the cake he wanted, Overwatch, it’s a computer game that he enjoys playing. An amazing confectionary chef called Tiffany made it for us, she is SO talented!!

Erin made a wonderful discovery in our Bamboo bush yesterday, a Rainspider nest! The Rainspider mom is sitting on top of the nest in the photo, she is huge! The nest is literally the same size as it is in the photo. SO exciting!

This is the little zebra I made for someone over in Australia πŸ™‚ He’s on his way there now. I really enjoyed knitting this sweet softie and will have to design a pattern soon. I used pure wool from Nurturing Fibres, a stunning South African yarn dyer and he has been stuffed with Merino fleece, so 100% natural!

Our days are becoming cooler now that we are heading into Autumn here in South Africa, I’m looking forward to the colder months πŸ™‚ What have you been up to lately?

Have a lovely Saturday!


In the Garden…


Our Butternuts are ready, the vines have started to die down and we’ve begun harvesting! Richard and Kye planted these towards the end of last year. We had an old trampoline pit from years ago, we filled it up with compost, grass cuttings and horse manure and planted seedlings. They’ve done so well!

The potatoes are almost ready, just a few more weeks to go.

Ahhh, these have been my favourite so far! Buttery and delicious!

We also tried growing black tomatoes, full of flavour! It’s really exciting to be growing our own food again, the price of veggies is astronomical at the moment, so I get such a sense of accomplishment and pride when I walk out into our garden and pick food for our table. I’ve also sewn wheatgrass seeds in trays, we’re going to start juicing again as soon as it’s ready, I can’t wait.

The rains have come! We are still experiencing a drought but the Vaal Dam is about 65% full. We’ve been collecting rainwater under our downpipes, I can’t believe how quickly the drums fill up and we are recycling our grey water.

And… here’s a photo of LouΒ β™₯

Have a lovely week x


Around the Garden





Love the symmetry!

Mushroom www.naturalsuburbia.com

Mushrooms have been popping up everywhere, there must be fairies afoot!



I’ve been trying to propagate some succulents by just placing the leaves on damp soil. It’s starting to work!! Wow, I’m incredibly excited!! I’ll keep you posted about their progress πŸ™‚


I’m terribly grateful for all our lemon trees, they seem to fruit around the year, I take a spoon of lemon juice and honey every night. I haven’t had a cold for ages.


Our garden has been winding down for winter but the succulents and indigenous plants have been putting on a beautiful show for us.

Hope your week is wonderful and you’re keeping warm (southern hemisphere πŸ™‚



In the Garden



Love the spirals on this plant!



We’ve been working in the garden this week, I know it’s still technically winter but I just can’t wait, I’m having so much fun! We cleared both beds down the driveway, there were old lavender bushes planted there and they were very woody and dead in the middle. We’ve replaced them with standard roses, Agapanthus at the back and lots of colourful seedlings. The Agapanthus grow like weeds all over our garden in huge clumps, we dug a few of them up, separated, trimmed and replanted them to form borders.

More pics to come soon!

Have a lovely Sunday:)

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