Hello Again


It’s been a while since I last posted, our phone cables were stolen and most of our neighbourhood was without phones lines and internet for almost a month. I am very grateful to have it back now and wanted to share a little of what we’ve been up to. September is my birthday month and Jenna gave me these exquisite Delphiniums as a gift. I loved having hem greeting me each time I walked into the lounge.


Another birthday gift, a subscription, Grow to Eat, this one from my hubby, such a wonderful magazine!!


Now that winter is officially over, our chickens have finished their moulting and are back to laying profusely. I always find it a little strange how, as soon as the weather begins to cool, they start to moult…


Many months ago, a female Praying Mantis appeared in the entrance hall of our home and layed a chrysalis (also called a ootheca, I had no idea!) right by the front door. I had given up hope of them ever hatching as months and months had passed and then suddenly there were hundreds.


The Vaal Dam is almost empty, there is no rain in sight and water restrictions have been imposed. I need to find a way to save our garden and veggie patch. I’ve started placing these water bottles near the base of our larger plants. Small holes are made at the base of the bottle so that the water can slowly leak out, almost like drip irrigation. An idea from the magazine above. It’s working exceptionally well so far! If you have any other ideas, please do let me know in the comments.


Of course, I had to include a photo of Lou. I find him extremely photogenic and adore him!! He always seems so wise 🙂


Our Bougainvillea seems to love the hot, dry weather, its blooms are incredibly vivid this year.

Thanks so much for reading our story and say hi in the comments if you have some time 🙂

I’m off to plant a few more mini reservoirs out in the garden.


A Little of This and That


Meet Lou, he’s the most recent member of our family, he is adorable, incredibly mischievous and such a character. I need to make sure I pack away my knitting or I find it wrapped around my diningroom chairs, he really enjoys doing this!!


We’ve had FREEZING weather here this week, rain and even a tornado!! We aren’t supposed to have rain in winter here but it rained and hailed too. I’m so ready for Summer but it’s still a few months away.


There’s a small window box outside my kitchen window and the lavender seems to flower all year round, it makes my heart happy!

Blocking my shawl

My Arcadian Shawl is finished, such a beautiful pattern! It’s been knitted with with Manos yarn for the main body of the pattern and Karoo Moon handspun yarn for the edging. I’m blocking it at the moment. There’s no knitting project on the go at the moment so I suppose I need a new one, any suggestions for beautiful shawls? It’s so exciting when a pattern unfolds, I love learning new techniques, it’s as if the yarn as well as the knitter are taken on a journey of self-discovery. Don’t you also feel that way when you knit?


I’ve also started walking again recently, we have a beautiful bird sanctuary down the road from where we live and I try to walk around it two or three times a week.

If you pop by here in this space, please say hi, I’d love to hear from you 🙂

Have a lovely weekend!






Around the Garden





Love the symmetry!

Mushroom www.naturalsuburbia.com

Mushrooms have been popping up everywhere, there must be fairies afoot!



I’ve been trying to propagate some succulents by just placing the leaves on damp soil. It’s starting to work!! Wow, I’m incredibly excited!! I’ll keep you posted about their progress 🙂


I’m terribly grateful for all our lemon trees, they seem to fruit around the year, I take a spoon of lemon juice and honey every night. I haven’t had a cold for ages.


Our garden has been winding down for winter but the succulents and indigenous plants have been putting on a beautiful show for us.

Hope your week is wonderful and you’re keeping warm (southern hemisphere 🙂



Waldorf Grade 4, the Norse Myths Block 1

Norse Myths Books Waldorf grade 4

We’ve been busy with the Norse Myths block, one of my favourite blocks! Pictured above are a few of the resources that have been used. We use the three-day rhythm, read the story on the first day, discuss and draw on the second day and write a short synopsis on the third day.


We braided play dough when we read about Loki and Sif’s golden hair.

Will make Rune tablets from clay in our next block.

Cook a Nordic feast.

Draw Celtic knots, form drawings. Some ideas here.

Here’s quite a nice Pinterest page for the Norse Myths.


Below are a few examples of what Kye’s been reading and writing. If you click on the photo, it should enlarge:)

The Creation of the World

The Creation of Man

The First Gods and Giants

The Tree


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Have a lovely week;)

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