Archive | Wool/Yarn


We have quite a stash of rovings in our wool room and Jen has been enjoying spinning up yarns over the last few weeks and she has asked to list them in our family Etsy shop, I think they really turned out beautiful. The first is a Wensleydale single ply, the second a Merino and Tencel and the third a BFL Tussah Silk.

This is the beautiful pincushion that I received from my swap partner in Shannon’s Pincushion swap, I love it!

The other day, a parcel arrived just for me at the post office. I had no idea what it was, I opened it and oh my goodness! I was so delighted with what I discovered inside the beautiful packaging. I found a gorgeous crochet bag, so soft and wonderful and did I mention I love the colour red! It was sent to me by a lovely woman in Texas also called Linda. I really adore this gift Linda, I am very grateful, you are so kind to make me this item and to have sent it all the way to South Africa and thank you so much for the lovely note too:)



Mamma4earth Ravelry Group..

Today I humbly started a Mamma4earth Ravelry group (blush)…
I have been giving this decision a lot of thought and I finally decided it was time. I think it will be a lovely space for all those who knit my patterns from off this blog and my Etsy shop to pop in and visit a while, post photos of their finished knitted items, discuss yarn, patterns, exciting news, share your blog links and thoughts for new patterns that you would like to see in the shop or on my blog, etc…

Well, Happy Sunday to you all and do stop by Ravelry if you have a chance:)



Mamma4earth Rainbow Yarn…

I have been dyeing up a storm, it’s one of my favourite things to do:) What I am really enjoying about it, is that I can use my sun stove and not have to use any power at all, so I guess this is called ‘green dyeing’ 🙂 When the yarn comes out of the solar stove, it is steaming hot and the dyes have fixed beautifully. The dyes I use are also Earth friendly… I am enjoying this journey to the full, treading lightly on the Earth…
Below are my new shop yarns, they are a handspun, superwash and are all one of a kind rainbows, each skein is 3.5 ounces, approx 164 yards.

Happy weekending to you all.


Today Erin and I decided to do some branch weaving and we have put together a little tutorial for you:)
Beautiful, colourful yarn
A branch shaped in a V shape
Wool sewing needle
Tie on some yarn at the bottom of the V and wind your warp onto your branch.
Twist your yarn firmly around each branch twice and make sure it is quite tight.
Erin putting the warp onto her branch, Charlie sleeping nearby…
The warp is on, now to start weaving…
Tie on your first colour, thread your needle and start weaving in and out of your warp thread.
Erie’s progress…

This was such fun to do:)

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