Archive | Quilting

Peas and Beans…

Jenna has been making her first quilt over the last few months and today she finished the front of it, I love it, it’s so beautiful! (Proud mama here!) The heat continues to be incredible, but we just turn on the borehole sprinklers and head straight for the pool… I have also decided to start our mushroom growing kit, it has all been set up and apparently we will have mushrooms growing within 15 days! So exciting, I need to spray it a few times a day with cooled boiled water and that is all:)
Tonight we are making stew for dinner and I am adding broad beans from our garden, we picked most of the beans and quite a lot of peas too, it’s hard not to eat the peas though, they are so sweet! Tomorrow I will pick the rest of the bean and pea crop and freeze them. Thank you all so much for your comments about the jam. We ate some this morning and I must say I am VERY pleased with how it turned out, I wasn’t too sure about its consistency when I was pouring it into the jars, but this morning, I can spoon it onto my toast and it is lovely and thick, (but not too thick). I am also glad about putting it through the juicer because of the pulp it created, so no big pieces of fruit in the jam, the pulp has added an even texture. I am going to freeze the extra bottles and give some away as gifts. We are going to make more jam tomorrow too, I have discovered that another one of our mulberry trees has large and juicy fruit on its branches, I love all the preserving that is going on over here.


Quilting and our Outdoor Challenge

Thanks to everyone who posted their lovely tutorials on Friendship Friday yesterday, what a great gift it is to share so freely all across the globe:) Well, the quilting has begun, Jenna is really enjoying this process. We made a simple template of a square and have been cutting out plenty of squares of fabric. Jen has been sewing them all together and is very happy with her lovely creation. She has been doing all the sewing herself and is so focused, I am so proud of her…
Her quilt so far…
She is making it for her bed, and has measured everything and planned exactly how it will look once it is finished…
Outdoor Challenge…

There are so many Autumn leaves falling from our trees in the back garden, Caiden though it would be fun to rake up all the leaves and jump into the pile…

Today was baseball prizegiving, Caiden received a medal and both the girls received certificates, yay!

I have received two Beautiful Blogger Awards, one from my lovely friend Jen over at Ancient Hearth and another from a new friend to my blog, Indigomama over at Where Wild Strawberries Grow. Thank you both for thinking of me:) I have just popped over to Jen’s new Etsy shop, she has the most wonderful needlefelted and wooden treasures! Do go and take a peek:)

Tomorrow I will post about some new blogs that I am enjoying at the moment:)

Have an inspired weekend everyone:)

PS. If you haven’t already entered the amazing Natural Kids Earth Day Promotion Giveaway, just leave a comment here to enter:)


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