Archive | organic vegetables

Canning Tomato Relish

We have had such a wonderful crop of tomatoes this season so far, my kitchen windowsill is packed with ripening tomatoes and there are still plenty growing in the veggie patch. Today we made our first batch of tomato relish that is about to go into the freezer. I feel a tremendous amount of gratitude to be able to walk out into our veggie garden, pick our homegrown produce and prepare it for a meal. I love that we are reaching a new level of self-sufficiency, it makes my heart smile…

The Relish:
1 basket, full of ripe tomatoes.
Soak them in boiling water, let the water cool, remove the skins and gently squeeze your tomatoes so that the seeds fall out. Squeeze them over a sieve so you can save as much juice as possible. Once I left the seeds in, and oh my goodness, they made the sauce so sour! (Live and learn:)
I slowly heated the tomatoes and added a generous amount of crushed garlic, a handfull of chopped basil leaves, salt, black pepper and some Balsamic vinegar.
I let it cook for a while and adjusted my ingredients according to taste.

Sterilised my bottling jars and added my tomato relish and popped them in the freezer.
I feel like such a farmergirl now, I just love it!
This is a great book for preserving, Putting Food By.

(A few readers have asked what camera I use, it is a Cannon Power Shot SX10IS)

Have a wonderful day xo

Green in the Garden…

I love to walk around our garden in the late afternoons… The sun setting, casting long shadows, creating the most wonderful light that shimmers off of everything that it touches… I walked around our garden with my camera and took photos of everything that we have been busy with over the last week… The green is amazing, we have been having so much rain lately, the grass has rejuvenated overnight and our fruit trees are abundant with fruit…

As I walked through the herb garden, I looked up and saw how the sun’s rays were dancing around these Calendula flowers…

This weekend, I managed to find some thornless Blackberries! I was so excited, I bought four vines and mixed them amongst our Raspberries. We also placed trellisses behind them for support as they grow and extended out irrigation. I can’t wait for them to fruit!

A Calendula flower…

These are the new fruit trees we have planted, this one is a Naartjie, then an Apple and another Naartjie. The naartjies have already started to grow…

An exciting discovery… our Apple tree has blossoms! I am really hoping for apples to appear:)

Grapefruits have started to grow on our Grapefruit trees too.

Our grapevine extends all the way across the front of our home and provides wonderful shade. The girls counted 78 bunches of grapes so far!

Our tomatoes are reaching a lovely size and are still green. I have heard of fried green tomatoes, anyone made them before, what do they taste like?

We have found 4 Litchis on our Litchi tree! Yay!

Our Peaches are almost ready to pick too…

Thanks for stopping by 🙂
Take care


Elderflower Cordial and Garden Produce…

Today, early this morning, Jenna and Erin and I began preparations for making Elderflower Cordial. We have been waiting for our beautiful tree to be in full blossom and today was the right day…

We measured out the correct amount of flower to water and sugar ratio…

Boiled up the sugar and water and poured it over the flowers, we used this wonderful book for the recipe:

We also went looking in our veggie garden to discover so many pea pods were ready for picking and eating… (not many pods made it back to the kitchen…)

Our strawberries are also ready and some had little visitors, if you look closely at the strawberry, you will see a little worm…


Our nectarines…

Great excitement, today we went and bought a solar oven, we came home and immediately put it out in the sun. It worked so well, we had boiling water in no time at all. This little stove can cook for a family of 6 and even roast veggies and chicken and bake bread! I can’t wait to cook with it tomorow again…
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